{ "GUID": "0dce91", "Name": "Custom_Model_Bag", "Transform": { "posX": 12.25, "posY": 1.48149908, "posZ": -28.014, "rotX": 1.2688667E-08, "rotY": 269.9792, "rotZ": -9.54354E-08, "scaleX": 2.21, "scaleY": 0.46, "scaleZ": 2.42 }, "Nickname": "Fortune and Folly", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "scenarios/fortune_and_folly.json", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "MaterialIndex": -1, "MeshIndex": -1, "CustomMesh": { "MeshURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobMayer/TTSLibrary/master/advboxes/tuckbox_h_MSH.obj", "DiffuseURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/2038486699957629658/90632624064547CE896A5236F3F15492FD920D28/", "NormalURL": "", "ColliderURL": "", "Convex": true, "MaterialIndex": 3, "TypeIndex": 6, "CustomShader": { "SpecularColor": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "SpecularIntensity": 0.0, "SpecularSharpness": 2.0, "FresnelStrength": 0.0 }, "CastShadows": true }, "Bag": { "Order": 0 }, "LuaScript": "-- Utility memory bag by Directsun\r\n-- Version 2.5.2\r\n-- Fork of Memory Bag 2.0 by MrStump\r\n\r\nfunction updateSave()\r\n local data_to_save = {[\"ml\"]=memoryList}\r\n saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save)\r\n self.script_state = saved_data\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n local data = bagObj.lua_script_state\r\n if data ~= nil then\r\n local j = JSON.decode(data)\r\n if j ~= nil and j.ml ~= nil then\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(j.ml) do\r\n memoryList[guid] = entry\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n --get the first transposed object's coordinates\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(moveGuid)\r\n\r\n -- p1 is where needs to go, p2 is where it was\r\n local refObjPos = memoryList[moveGuid].pos\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(obj.getPosition(), refObjPos, nil)\r\n local movedRotation = obj.getRotation()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.x = entry.pos.x - deltaPos.x\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.y = entry.pos.y - deltaPos.y\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.z = entry.pos.z - deltaPos.z\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.x = movedRotation.x\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.y = movedRotation.y\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.z = movedRotation.z\r\n end\r\n\r\n --theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n -- pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n -- rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n -- lock=obj.getLock()\r\n --}\r\n moveList = {}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onload(saved_data)\r\n fresh = true\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" then\r\n local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n --Set up information off of loaded_data\r\n memoryList = loaded_data.ml\r\n else\r\n --Set up information for if there is no saved saved data\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n end\r\n\r\n moveList = {}\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n fresh = false\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Beginning Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Make setup button\r\nfunction createSetupButton()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by Transpose button\r\nfunction buttonClick_transpose()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Select one object and move it- all objects will move relative to the new location\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(true)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(true)\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by setup button,\r\nfunction buttonClick_setup()\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(false)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(false)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n local objTable = {}\r\n local curObj = {}\r\n\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryListBackup) do\r\n curObj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n table.insert(objTable, curObj)\r\n end\r\n\r\n return objTable\r\n -- return getAllObjects()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates selection buttons on objects\r\nfunction createButtonsOnAllObjects(move)\r\n local howManyButtons = 0\r\n\r\n local objsToHaveButtons = {}\r\n if move == true then\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n else\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjects()\r\n end\r\n\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(objsToHaveButtons) do\r\n if obj ~= self then\r\n local dummyIndex = howManyButtons\r\n --On a normal bag, the button positions aren't the same size as the bag.\r\n globalScaleFactor = 1 * 1/self.getScale().x\r\n --Super sweet math to set button positions\r\n local selfPos = self.getPosition()\r\n local objPos = obj.getPosition()\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(selfPos, objPos, obj)\r\n local objPos = rotateLocalCoordinates(deltaPos, self)\r\n objPos.x = -objPos.x * globalScaleFactor\r\n objPos.y = objPos.y * globalScaleFactor + 2\r\n objPos.z = objPos.z * globalScaleFactor * 0.9\r\n --Offset rotation of bag\r\n local rot = self.getRotation()\r\n rot.y = -rot.y + 180\r\n --Create function\r\n local funcName = \"selectButton_\" .. howManyButtons\r\n local func = function() buttonClick_selection(dummyIndex, obj, move) end\r\n local color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function=funcName, function_owner=self,\r\n position=objPos, rotation=rot, height=500, width=500,\r\n color=color,\r\n })\r\n howManyButtons = howManyButtons + 1\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates submit and cancel buttons\r\nfunction createSetupActionButtons(move)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Cancel\", click_function=\"buttonClick_cancel\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Submit\", click_function=\"buttonClick_submit\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if move == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Add\", click_function=\"buttonClick_add\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.25,1,0.25}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if fresh == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Set New\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setNew\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Remove\", click_function=\"buttonClick_remove\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,0.25,0.25}\r\n })\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Reset\", click_function=\"buttonClick_reset\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--During Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Checks or unchecks buttons\r\nfunction buttonClick_selection(index, obj, move)\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n local color = {0,1,0,0.6}\r\n\r\n previousGuid = selectedGuid\r\n selectedGuid = obj.getGUID()\r\n\r\n theList = memoryList\r\n if move == true then\r\n theList = moveList\r\n if previousGuid ~= nil and previousGuid ~= selectedGuid then\r\n local prevObj = getObjectFromGUID(previousGuid)\r\n prevObj.highlightOff()\r\n self.editButton({index=previousIndex, color=colorMove})\r\n theList[previousGuid] = nil\r\n end\r\n previousIndex = index\r\n end\r\n\r\n if theList[selectedGuid] == nil then\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n --Adding pos/rot to memory table\r\n local pos, rot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n --I need to add it like this or it won't save due to indexing issue\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n lock=obj.getLock()\r\n }\r\n obj.highlightOn({0,1,0})\r\n else\r\n color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = nil\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Cancels selection process\r\nfunction buttonClick_cancel()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Selection Canceled\", {1,1,1})\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Saves selections\r\nfunction buttonClick_submit()\r\n fresh = false\r\n if next(moveList) ~= nil then\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n end\r\n if memoryListBackup[moveGuid] == nil then\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Item selected for moving is not already in memory\", {1, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n else\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Moving all items in memory relative to new objects position!\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n updateSave()\r\n buttonClick_place()\r\n end\r\n elseif next(memoryList) == nil and moveGuid == nil then\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n broadcastToAll(\"No selections made.\", {0.75, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n end\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineTables(first_table, second_table)\r\n for k,v in pairs(second_table) do first_table[k] = v end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_add()\r\n fresh = false\r\n combineTables(memoryList, memoryListBackup)\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Adding internal bags and selections to existing memory\", {0.25, 0.75, 0.25})\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_remove()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Removing Selected Entries From Memory\", {1.0, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid] = nil\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Removed\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_setNew()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Setting new position relative to items in memory\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n guid = obj.guid\r\n if memoryListBackup[guid] ~= nil then\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].pos = obj.getPosition()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].rot = obj.getRotation()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].lock = obj.getLock()\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Resets bag to starting status\r\nfunction buttonClick_reset()\r\n fresh = true\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Tool Reset\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--After Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Creates recall and place buttons\r\nfunction createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Place\", click_function=\"buttonClick_place\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Recall\", click_function=\"buttonClick_recall\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n--- self.createButton({\r\n--- label=\"Move\", click_function=\"buttonClick_transpose\", function_owner=self,\r\n--- position={-2.8,0.3,0}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=350, width=800,\r\n--- font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n--- })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Sends objects from bag/table to their saved position/rotation\r\nfunction buttonClick_place()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n --If obj is out on the table, move it to the saved pos/rot\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n obj.setPositionSmooth(entry.pos)\r\n obj.setRotationSmooth(entry.rot)\r\n obj.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n else\r\n --If obj is inside of the bag\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n if bagObj.guid == guid then\r\n local item = self.takeObject({\r\n guid=guid, position=entry.pos, rotation=entry.rot, smooth=false\r\n })\r\n item.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Placed\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Recalls objects to bag from table\r\nfunction buttonClick_recall()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then self.putObject(obj) end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Recalled\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Utility functions\r\n\r\n\r\n--Find delta (difference) between 2 x/y/z coordinates\r\nfunction findOffsetDistance(p1, p2, obj)\r\n local yOffset = 0\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n local bounds = obj.getBounds()\r\n yOffset = (bounds.size.y - bounds.offset.y)\r\n end\r\n local deltaPos = {}\r\n deltaPos.x = (p2.x-p1.x)\r\n deltaPos.y = (p2.y-p1.y) + yOffset\r\n deltaPos.z = (p2.z-p1.z)\r\n return deltaPos\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Used to rotate a set of coordinates by an angle\r\nfunction rotateLocalCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal objPos, objRot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n local angle = math.rad(objRot.y)\r\n\tlocal x = desiredPos.x * math.cos(angle) - desiredPos.z * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle) + desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n\t--return {x=objPos.x+x, y=objPos.y+desiredPos.y, z=objPos.z+z}\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction rotateMyCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal angle = math.rad(obj.getRotation().y)\r\n local x = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Coroutine delay, in seconds\r\nfunction wait(time)\r\n local start = os.time()\r\n repeat coroutine.yield(0) until os.time() > start + time\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Duplicates a table (needed to prevent it making reference to the same objects)\r\nfunction duplicateTable(oldTable)\r\n local newTable = {}\r\n for k, v in pairs(oldTable) do\r\n newTable[k] = v\r\n end\r\n return newTable\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Moves scripted highlight from all objects\r\nfunction removeAllHighlights()\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Round number (num) to the Nth decimal (dec)\r\nfunction round(num, dec)\r\n local mult = 10^(dec or 0)\r\n return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "{\"ml\":{\"23735e\":{\"lock\":true,\"pos\":{\"x\":-51.94,\"y\":1.6,\"z\":-26.11},\"rot\":{\"x\":0,\"y\":270,\"z\":0}},\"4421a3\":{\"lock\":false,\"pos\":{\"x\":0.27,\"y\":1.6,\"z\":28.78},\"rot\":{\"x\":0,\"y\":270,\"z\":0}},\"8985d8\":{\"lock\":true,\"pos\":{\"x\":-40.5,\"y\":1.6,\"z\":23.44},\"rot\":{\"x\":0,\"y\":0,\"z\":0}},\"8eaf3c\":{\"lock\":true,\"pos\":{\"x\":-20.2,\"y\":1.6,\"z\":-23.67},\"rot\":{\"x\":0,\"y\":180,\"z\":0}},\"a19650\":{\"lock\":false,\"pos\":{\"x\":-0.153712391853333,\"y\":1.49253141880035,\"z\":36.7026138305664},\"rot\":{\"x\":359.920135498047,\"y\":269.999786376953,\"z\":0.0168738905340433}},\"b33e6c\":{\"lock\":false,\"pos\":{\"x\":-3.95597290992737,\"y\":1.59753942489624,\"z\":-10.4411640167236},\"rot\":{\"x\":359.919738769531,\"y\":269.999328613281,\"z\":0.0168381128460169}},\"bac13d\":{\"lock\":false,\"pos\":{\"x\":-3.76961326599121,\"y\":1.58239710330963,\"z\":-14.7854061126709},\"rot\":{\"x\":359.919738769531,\"y\":270.025085449219,\"z\":0.0168026182800531}},\"c0de56\":{\"lock\":false,\"pos\":{\"x\":-0.163279980421066,\"y\":1.48794913291931,\"z\":21.0960845947266},\"rot\":{\"x\":359.920135498047,\"y\":270,\"z\":0.016874223947525}},\"e1845d\":{\"lock\":true,\"pos\":{\"x\":-51.942253112793,\"y\":1.68278014659882,\"z\":5.92466831207275},\"rot\":{\"x\":359.920074462891,\"y\":270.000061035156,\"z\":0.0168632287532091}}}}", "XmlUI": "", "ContainedObjects": [ { "GUID": "23735e", "Name": "Custom_Token", "Transform": { "posX": -51.94, "posY": 1.6, "posZ": -26.11, "rotX": 0.0, "rotY": 270.0, "rotZ": 0.0, "scaleX": 0.42, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 0.42 }, "Nickname": "Alarm Level", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 }, "Tags": [ "CleanUpHelper_ignore" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": true, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/949592555964782208/CC876694A6684B3C2680CE2FE3259F574AE0AD97/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "-- Alarm Level Counter\r\n-- made by: Chr1Z\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(val) end\r\n\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= nil then\r\n val = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n val = 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label = tostring(val),\r\n click_function = \"add_subtract\",\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0 },\r\n height = 600,\r\n width = 1000,\r\n scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 },\r\n font_size = 750,\r\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 100 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction add_subtract(_, _, alt_click)\r\n local new_val = math.min(math.max(val + (alt_click and -1 or 1), 1), 10)\r\n\r\n if new_val == val then\r\n printToAll(\"Alarm level can only be between 0 and 11!\", \"Orange\")\r\n else\r\n val = new_val\r\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\r\n end\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "1", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "4421a3", "Name": "Custom_PDF", "Transform": { "posX": 0.27000007, "posY": 1.58100045, "posZ": 28.7799988, "rotX": 1.15299654E-08, "rotY": 270.0, "rotZ": 4.75671627E-08, "scaleX": 2.73749614, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 2.73749614 }, "Nickname": "Fortune and Folly", "Description": "Scenario Guide", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomPDF": { "PDFUrl": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1879717073261731659/7D1F118E6BBD4508B886857C8BE83CB5328408E6/", "PDFPassword": "", "PDFPage": 0, "PDFPageOffset": 0 }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "8985d8", "Name": "Custom_Token", "Transform": { "posX": -40.5, "posY": 1.6, "posZ": 23.44, "rotX": 0.0, "rotY": 0.0, "rotZ": 0.0, "scaleX": 0.42, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 0.42 }, "Nickname": "Alarm Level", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 }, "Tags": [ "CleanUpHelper_ignore" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": true, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/949592555964782208/CC876694A6684B3C2680CE2FE3259F574AE0AD97/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "-- Alarm Level Counter\r\n-- made by: Chr1Z\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(val) end\r\n\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= nil then\r\n val = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n val = 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label = tostring(val),\r\n click_function = \"add_subtract\",\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0 },\r\n height = 600,\r\n width = 1000,\r\n scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 },\r\n font_size = 750,\r\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 100 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction add_subtract(_, _, alt_click)\r\n local new_val = math.min(math.max(val + (alt_click and -1 or 1), 1), 10)\r\n\r\n if new_val == val then\r\n printToAll(\"Alarm level can only be between 0 and 11!\", \"Orange\")\r\n else\r\n val = new_val\r\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\r\n end\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "1", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "8eaf3c", "Name": "Custom_Token", "Transform": { "posX": -20.2, "posY": 1.6, "posZ": -23.67, "rotX": 0.0, "rotY": 180.0, "rotZ": 0.0, "scaleX": 0.42, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 0.42 }, "Nickname": "Alarm Level", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 }, "Tags": [ "CleanUpHelper_ignore" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": true, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/949592555964782208/CC876694A6684B3C2680CE2FE3259F574AE0AD97/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "-- Alarm Level Counter\r\n-- made by: Chr1Z\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(val) end\r\n\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= nil then\r\n val = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n val = 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label = tostring(val),\r\n click_function = \"add_subtract\",\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0 },\r\n height = 600,\r\n width = 1000,\r\n scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 },\r\n font_size = 750,\r\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 100 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction add_subtract(_, _, alt_click)\r\n local new_val = math.min(math.max(val + (alt_click and -1 or 1), 1), 10)\r\n\r\n if new_val == val then\r\n printToAll(\"Alarm level can only be between 0 and 11!\", \"Orange\")\r\n else\r\n val = new_val\r\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\r\n end\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "1", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "a19650", "Name": "Custom_Model_Bag", "Transform": { "posX": -0.153611854, "posY": 1.58100009, "posZ": 36.7025833, "rotX": 4.81620248E-07, "rotY": 269.9997, "rotZ": 9.921463E-07, "scaleX": 2.21, "scaleY": 0.46, "scaleZ": 2.42 }, "Nickname": "Fortune and Folly Part 1", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "MaterialIndex": -1, "MeshIndex": -1, "CustomMesh": { "MeshURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobMayer/TTSLibrary/master/advboxes/tuckbox_h_MSH.obj", "DiffuseURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/2038486956995830351/39F988263D0D19C957BC7D52AB5A16C10D50F317/", "NormalURL": "", "ColliderURL": "", "Convex": true, "MaterialIndex": 3, "TypeIndex": 6, "CustomShader": { "SpecularColor": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "SpecularIntensity": 0.0, "SpecularSharpness": 2.0, "FresnelStrength": 0.0 }, "CastShadows": true }, "Bag": { "Order": 0 }, "LuaScript": "-- Utility memory bag by Directsun\r\n-- Version 2.5.2\r\n-- Fork of Memory Bag 2.0 by MrStump\r\n\r\nfunction updateSave()\r\n local data_to_save = {[\"ml\"]=memoryList}\r\n saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save)\r\n self.script_state = saved_data\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n local data = bagObj.lua_script_state\r\n if data ~= nil then\r\n local j = JSON.decode(data)\r\n if j ~= nil and j.ml ~= nil then\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(j.ml) do\r\n memoryList[guid] = entry\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n --get the first transposed object's coordinates\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(moveGuid)\r\n\r\n -- p1 is where needs to go, p2 is where it was\r\n local refObjPos = memoryList[moveGuid].pos\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(obj.getPosition(), refObjPos, nil)\r\n local movedRotation = obj.getRotation()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.x = entry.pos.x - deltaPos.x\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.y = entry.pos.y - deltaPos.y\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.z = entry.pos.z - deltaPos.z\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.x = movedRotation.x\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.y = movedRotation.y\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.z = movedRotation.z\r\n end\r\n\r\n --theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n -- pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n -- rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n -- lock=obj.getLock()\r\n --}\r\n moveList = {}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onload(saved_data)\r\n fresh = true\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" then\r\n local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n --Set up information off of loaded_data\r\n memoryList = loaded_data.ml\r\n else\r\n --Set up information for if there is no saved saved data\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n end\r\n\r\n moveList = {}\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n fresh = false\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Beginning Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Make setup button\r\nfunction createSetupButton()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by Transpose button\r\nfunction buttonClick_transpose()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Select one object and move it- all objects will move relative to the new location\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(true)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(true)\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by setup button,\r\nfunction buttonClick_setup()\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(false)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(false)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n local objTable = {}\r\n local curObj = {}\r\n\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryListBackup) do\r\n curObj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n table.insert(objTable, curObj)\r\n end\r\n\r\n return objTable\r\n -- return getAllObjects()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates selection buttons on objects\r\nfunction createButtonsOnAllObjects(move)\r\n local howManyButtons = 0\r\n\r\n local objsToHaveButtons = {}\r\n if move == true then\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n else\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjects()\r\n end\r\n\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(objsToHaveButtons) do\r\n if obj ~= self then\r\n local dummyIndex = howManyButtons\r\n --On a normal bag, the button positions aren't the same size as the bag.\r\n globalScaleFactor = 1 * 1/self.getScale().x\r\n --Super sweet math to set button positions\r\n local selfPos = self.getPosition()\r\n local objPos = obj.getPosition()\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(selfPos, objPos, obj)\r\n local objPos = rotateLocalCoordinates(deltaPos, self)\r\n objPos.x = -objPos.x * globalScaleFactor\r\n objPos.y = objPos.y * globalScaleFactor + 2\r\n objPos.z = objPos.z * globalScaleFactor * 0.9\r\n --Offset rotation of bag\r\n local rot = self.getRotation()\r\n rot.y = -rot.y + 180\r\n --Create function\r\n local funcName = \"selectButton_\" .. howManyButtons\r\n local func = function() buttonClick_selection(dummyIndex, obj, move) end\r\n local color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function=funcName, function_owner=self,\r\n position=objPos, rotation=rot, height=500, width=500,\r\n color=color,\r\n })\r\n howManyButtons = howManyButtons + 1\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates submit and cancel buttons\r\nfunction createSetupActionButtons(move)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Cancel\", click_function=\"buttonClick_cancel\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Submit\", click_function=\"buttonClick_submit\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if move == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Add\", click_function=\"buttonClick_add\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.25,1,0.25}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if fresh == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Set New\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setNew\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Remove\", click_function=\"buttonClick_remove\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,0.25,0.25}\r\n })\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Reset\", click_function=\"buttonClick_reset\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--During Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Checks or unchecks buttons\r\nfunction buttonClick_selection(index, obj, move)\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n local color = {0,1,0,0.6}\r\n\r\n previousGuid = selectedGuid\r\n selectedGuid = obj.getGUID()\r\n\r\n theList = memoryList\r\n if move == true then\r\n theList = moveList\r\n if previousGuid ~= nil and previousGuid ~= selectedGuid then\r\n local prevObj = getObjectFromGUID(previousGuid)\r\n prevObj.highlightOff()\r\n self.editButton({index=previousIndex, color=colorMove})\r\n theList[previousGuid] = nil\r\n end\r\n previousIndex = index\r\n end\r\n\r\n if theList[selectedGuid] == nil then\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n --Adding pos/rot to memory table\r\n local pos, rot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n --I need to add it like this or it won't save due to indexing issue\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n lock=obj.getLock()\r\n }\r\n obj.highlightOn({0,1,0})\r\n else\r\n color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = nil\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Cancels selection process\r\nfunction buttonClick_cancel()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Selection Canceled\", {1,1,1})\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Saves selections\r\nfunction buttonClick_submit()\r\n fresh = false\r\n if next(moveList) ~= nil then\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n end\r\n if memoryListBackup[moveGuid] == nil then\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Item selected for moving is not already in memory\", {1, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n else\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Moving all items in memory relative to new objects position!\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n updateSave()\r\n buttonClick_place()\r\n end\r\n elseif next(memoryList) == nil and moveGuid == nil then\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n broadcastToAll(\"No selections made.\", {0.75, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n end\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineTables(first_table, second_table)\r\n for k,v in pairs(second_table) do first_table[k] = v end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_add()\r\n fresh = false\r\n combineTables(memoryList, memoryListBackup)\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Adding internal bags and selections to existing memory\", {0.25, 0.75, 0.25})\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_remove()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Removing Selected Entries From Memory\", {1.0, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid] = nil\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Removed\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_setNew()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Setting new position relative to items in memory\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n guid = obj.guid\r\n if memoryListBackup[guid] ~= nil then\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].pos = obj.getPosition()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].rot = obj.getRotation()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].lock = obj.getLock()\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Resets bag to starting status\r\nfunction buttonClick_reset()\r\n fresh = true\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Tool Reset\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--After Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Creates recall and place buttons\r\nfunction createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Place\", click_function=\"buttonClick_place\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Recall\", click_function=\"buttonClick_recall\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n--- self.createButton({\r\n--- label=\"Move\", click_function=\"buttonClick_transpose\", function_owner=self,\r\n--- position={-2.8,0.3,0}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=350, width=800,\r\n--- font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n--- })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Sends objects from bag/table to their saved position/rotation\r\nfunction buttonClick_place()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n --If obj is out on the table, move it to the saved pos/rot\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n obj.setPositionSmooth(entry.pos)\r\n obj.setRotationSmooth(entry.rot)\r\n obj.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n else\r\n --If obj is inside of the bag\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n if bagObj.guid == guid then\r\n local item = self.takeObject({\r\n guid=guid, position=entry.pos, rotation=entry.rot, smooth=false\r\n })\r\n item.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Placed\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Recalls objects to bag from table\r\nfunction buttonClick_recall()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then self.putObject(obj) end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Recalled\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Utility functions\r\n\r\n\r\n--Find delta (difference) between 2 x/y/z coordinates\r\nfunction findOffsetDistance(p1, p2, obj)\r\n local yOffset = 0\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n local bounds = obj.getBounds()\r\n yOffset = (bounds.size.y - bounds.offset.y)\r\n end\r\n local deltaPos = {}\r\n deltaPos.x = (p2.x-p1.x)\r\n deltaPos.y = (p2.y-p1.y) + yOffset\r\n deltaPos.z = (p2.z-p1.z)\r\n return deltaPos\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Used to rotate a set of coordinates by an angle\r\nfunction rotateLocalCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal objPos, objRot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n local angle = math.rad(objRot.y)\r\n\tlocal x = desiredPos.x * math.cos(angle) - desiredPos.z * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle) + desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n\t--return {x=objPos.x+x, y=objPos.y+desiredPos.y, z=objPos.z+z}\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction rotateMyCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal angle = math.rad(obj.getRotation().y)\r\n local x = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Coroutine delay, in seconds\r\nfunction wait(time)\r\n local start = os.time()\r\n repeat coroutine.yield(0) until os.time() > start + time\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Duplicates a table (needed to prevent it making reference to the same objects)\r\nfunction duplicateTable(oldTable)\r\n local newTable = {}\r\n for k, v in pairs(oldTable) do\r\n newTable[k] = v\r\n end\r\n return newTable\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Moves scripted highlight from all objects\r\nfunction removeAllHighlights()\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Round number (num) to the Nth decimal (dec)\r\nfunction round(num, dec)\r\n local mult = 10^(dec or 0)\r\n return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": 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"XmlUI": "", "ContainedObjects": [ { "GUID": "db85d6", "Name": "Custom_Token", "Transform": { "posX": 0.0421991944, "posY": 1.62949264, "posZ": -6.499053, "rotX": 359.919739, "rotY": 269.96756, "rotZ": 0.0168741662, "scaleX": 0.2590727, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 0.2590727 }, "Nickname": "Default Seven Clues per Investigator", "Description": "Left click - Increase\nRight click - Decrease", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": false, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": false, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/784129913444610342/7903BA89870C1656A003FD69C79BFA99BD1AAC24/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "MIN_VALUE = -99\r\nMAX_VALUE = 999\r\n\r\nfunction onload(saved_data)\r\n light_mode = true\r\n val = 0\r\n\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" then\r\n local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n light_mode = loaded_data[1]\r\n val = loaded_data[2]\r\n end\r\n\r\n createAll()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateSave()\r\n local data_to_save = {light_mode, val}\r\n saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save)\r\n self.script_state = saved_data\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction createAll()\r\n s_color = {0,0,0,100}\r\n\n if light_mode then\r\n f_color = {1,1,1,100}\r\n else\r\n f_color = {0,0,0,100}\r\n end\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=tostring(val),\r\n click_function=\"add_subtract\",\r\n function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.05,0.1},\r\n height=600,\r\n width=1000,\r\n alignment = 3,\r\n scale={x=1.5, y=1.5, z=1.5},\r\n font_size=600,\r\n font_color=f_color,\r\n color={1,1,1,0}\r\n })\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n if light_mode then\r\n lightButtonText = \"[ Set dark ]\"\r\n else\r\n lightButtonText = \"[ Set light ]\"\r\n end\r\n \r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeAll()\r\n self.removeInput(0)\r\n self.removeInput(1)\r\n self.removeButton(0)\r\n self.removeButton(1)\r\n self.removeButton(2)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction reloadAll()\r\n removeAll()\r\n createAll()\r\n\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction swap_fcolor(_obj, _color, alt_click)\r\n light_mode = not light_mode\r\n reloadAll()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction swap_align(_obj, _color, alt_click)\r\n center_mode = not center_mode\r\n reloadAll()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction editName(_obj, _string, value) \r\n self.setName(value)\r\n setTooltips()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction add_subtract(_obj, _color, alt_click)\r\n mod = alt_click and -1 or 1\r\n new_value = math.min(math.max(val + mod, MIN_VALUE), MAX_VALUE)\r\n if val ~= new_value then\r\n val = new_value\r\n updateVal()\r\n updateSave()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateVal()\r\n\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = 0,\r\n label = tostring(val),\r\n\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction reset_val()\r\n val = 0\r\n updateVal()\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction setTooltips()\r\n self.editInput({\r\n index = 0,\r\n value = self.getName(),\r\n tooltip = ttText\r\n })\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = 0,\r\n value = tostring(val),\r\n tooltip = ttText\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction null()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction keepSample(_obj, _string, value) \r\n reloadAll()\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "[true,0]", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "9d4ae0", "Name": "CardCustom", "Transform": { "posX": -40.3473969, "posY": 1.53360486, "posZ": 2.218787, "rotX": 9.180531E-09, "rotY": 270.00293, "rotZ": 8.44787138E-08, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "The Stakeout", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "{\n \"id\": \"09040-c\"\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "PlayerCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": true, "Hands": false, "CardID": 846800, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "8468": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1915745870295652397/EDE288BC358BAA8A7371FBF772DE8071DF1AA318/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1814412497119682452/BD224FCE1980DBA38E5A687FABFD146AA1A30D0E/", "NumWidth": 1, "NumHeight": 1, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": false, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "-- Clickable Card: The Stakeout\r\n-- by Chr1Z\r\ninformation = {\r\n version = \"1.0\",\r\n last_updated = \"04.11.2022\"\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- Color information for buttons\r\nboxSize = 50\r\n\r\n-- static values\r\nx_1 = -0.90\r\nx_offset = 0.075\r\ny_visible = 0.25\r\ny_invisible = -0.5\r\n\r\n-- z-values (lines on the sheet)\r\nposZ = {\r\n -0.58,\r\n -0.44,\r\n -0.21,\r\n 0.03,\r\n 0.26,\r\n 0.39\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- box setup (amount of boxes per line and amount of marked boxes in that line)\r\nexistingBoxes = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }\r\n\r\n-- override 'marked boxes' for debugging ('all' or 'none')\r\nmarkDEBUG = \"\"\r\n\r\n-- save state when going into bags / decks\r\nfunction onDestroy() self.script_state = onSave() end\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(markedBoxes) end\r\n\r\n-- Startup procedure\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" and markDEBUG == \"\" then\r\n markedBoxes = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Reset Inputs\", function() updateState() end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: normal\", function() self.setScale({ 1, 1, 1 }) end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: double\", function() self.setScale({ 2, 1, 2 }) end)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateState(markedBoxesNew)\r\n if markedBoxesNew then\r\n markedBoxes = markedBoxesNew\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- create Data\r\nfunction makeData()\r\n Data = {}\r\n Data.checkbox = {}\r\n\r\n -- repeat this for each entry (= line) in existingBoxes\r\n local totalCount = 0\r\n for i = 1, #existingBoxes do\r\n -- repeat this for each checkbox per line\r\n for j = 1, existingBoxes[i] do\r\n totalCount = totalCount + 1\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount] = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.x = x_1 + j * x_offset\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.z = posZ[i]\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].row = i\r\n\r\n if (markDEBUG == \"all\") or (markedBoxes[i] >= j and markDEBUG ~= \"none\") then\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = true\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = false\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- checks or unchecks the given box\r\nfunction click_checkbox(tableIndex)\r\n local row = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].row\r\n\r\n if Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state == true then\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = false\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] - 1\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = true\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] + 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = tableIndex - 1,\r\n position = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n self.clearInputs()\r\n\r\n for i, box_data in ipairs(Data.checkbox) do\r\n local funcName = \"checkbox\" .. i\r\n local func = function() click_checkbox(i) end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function = funcName,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = box_data.pos,\r\n height = boxSize,\r\n width = boxSize,\r\n font_size = box_data.size,\r\n scale = { 1, 1, 1 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0 },\r\n font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", "LuaScriptState": "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]", "XmlUI": "", "States": { "2": { "GUID": "fc2a03", "Name": "CardCustom", "Transform": { "posX": -37.1605835, "posY": 1.53360486, "posZ": -14.7853413, "rotX": -1.05634875E-07, "rotY": 269.999939, "rotZ": 3.25882752E-07, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "The Heist", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "{\n \"id\": \"09040-c\",\n \"traits\": \"\",\n \"permanent\": false,\n \"weakness\": false\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "ScenarioCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": true, "Hands": false, "CardID": 846900, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "8469": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1915745870295653673/F45AE8FFAE235CC3F6C9003E7650A6E6C413940D/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1814412497119682452/BD224FCE1980DBA38E5A687FABFD146AA1A30D0E/", "NumWidth": 1, "NumHeight": 1, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": false, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "-- Clickable Card: The Heist\r\n-- by Chr1Z\r\ninformation = {\r\n version = \"1.0\",\r\n last_updated = \"04.11.2022\"\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- Color information for buttons\r\nboxSize = 50\r\n\r\n-- static values\r\nx_1 = -0.92\r\nx_offset = 0.075\r\ny_visible = 0.25\r\ny_invisible = -0.5\r\n\r\n-- z-values (lines on the sheet)\r\nposZ = {\r\n -0.57,\r\n -0.43,\r\n -0.30,\r\n -0.17,\r\n -0.04,\r\n 0.09,\r\n 0.22,\r\n 0.45\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- box setup (amount of boxes per line and amount of marked boxes in that line)\r\nexistingBoxes = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }\r\n\r\n-- override 'marked boxes' for debugging ('all' or 'none')\r\nmarkDEBUG = \"\"\r\n\r\n-- save state when going into bags / decks\r\nfunction onDestroy() self.script_state = onSave() end\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(markedBoxes) end\r\n\r\n-- Startup procedure\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" and markDEBUG == \"\" then\r\n markedBoxes = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Reset Inputs\", function() updateState() end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: normal\", function() self.setScale({ 1, 1, 1 }) end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: double\", function() self.setScale({ 2, 1, 2 }) end)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateState(markedBoxesNew)\r\n if markedBoxesNew then\r\n markedBoxes = markedBoxesNew\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- create Data\r\nfunction makeData()\r\n Data = {}\r\n Data.checkbox = {}\r\n\r\n -- repeat this for each entry (= line) in existingBoxes\r\n local totalCount = 0\r\n for i = 1, #existingBoxes do\r\n -- repeat this for each checkbox per line\r\n for j = 1, existingBoxes[i] do\r\n totalCount = totalCount + 1\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount] = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.x = x_1 + j * x_offset\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.z = posZ[i]\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].row = i\r\n\r\n if (markDEBUG == \"all\") or (markedBoxes[i] >= j and markDEBUG ~= \"none\") then\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = true\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = false\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- checks or unchecks the given box\r\nfunction click_checkbox(tableIndex)\r\n local row = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].row\r\n\r\n if Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state == true then\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = false\r\n\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] - 1\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = true\r\n\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] + 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = tableIndex - 1,\r\n position = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n self.clearInputs()\r\n\r\n for i, box_data in ipairs(Data.checkbox) do\r\n local funcName = \"checkbox\" .. i\r\n local func = function() click_checkbox(i) end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function = funcName,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = box_data.pos,\r\n height = boxSize,\r\n width = boxSize,\r\n font_size = box_data.size,\r\n scale = { 1, 1, 1 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0 },\r\n font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", "LuaScriptState": "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]", "XmlUI": "" } } }, { "GUID": "092a19", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": -36.7733, "posY": 1.53360653, "posZ": 7.570045, "rotX": -1.16072588E-05, "rotY": 270.0002, "rotZ": 0.00010234677, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "Baccarat Table", "Description": "Public. 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Inconspicuous.\"\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "Asset", "PlayerCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": true, "CardID": 266431, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "2664": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860119704/FCC908E5C313759E9E478D5952C74179DF80ADA8/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860121579/39578AC78E34DAA169AB4DE4246BB1E002528B8C/", "NumWidth": 7, "NumHeight": 5, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": true, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "db85d6", "Name": "Custom_Token", "Transform": { "posX": 0.04212366, "posY": 1.63300037, "posZ": -6.49903774, "rotX": -2.39419878E-05, "rotY": 269.967529, "rotZ": -2.341366E-05, "scaleX": 0.26, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 0.26 }, "Nickname": "Clues", "Description": "Left click - Increase\nRight click - Decrease", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "Tags": [ "CleanUpHelper_ignore" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": false, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": false, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/784129913444610342/7903BA89870C1656A003FD69C79BFA99BD1AAC24/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "-- Bundled by luabundle {\"version\":\"1.6.0\"}\nlocal __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire)\n\tlocal loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true}\n\n\tlocal register\n\tlocal modules = {}\n\n\tlocal require\n\tlocal loaded = {}\n\n\tregister = function(name, body)\n\t\tif not modules[name] then\n\t\t\tmodules[name] = body\n\t\tend\n\tend\n\n\trequire = function(name)\n\t\tlocal loadedModule = loaded[name]\n\n\t\tif loadedModule then\n\t\t\tif loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then\n\t\t\t\treturn nil\n\t\t\tend\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tif not modules[name] then\n\t\t\t\tif not superRequire then\n\t\t\t\t\tlocal identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\\\"' .. name .. '\\\"' or tostring(name)\n\t\t\t\t\terror('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered')\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\treturn superRequire(name)\n\t\t\t\tend\n\t\t\tend\n\n\t\t\tloaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder\n\t\t\tloadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules)\n\t\t\tloaded[name] = loadedModule\n\t\tend\n\n\t\treturn loadedModule\n\tend\n\n\treturn require, loaded, register, modules\nend)(nil)\n__bundle_register(\"__root\", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)\nrequire(\"core/GenericCounter\")\nend)\n__bundle_register(\"core/GenericCounter\", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)\nMIN_VALUE = 0\nMAX_VALUE = 99\nval = 0\n\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(val) end\n\nfunction onLoad(savedData)\n if savedData ~= nil then\n val = JSON.decode(savedData)\n end\n\n local name = self.getName()\n local position = {}\n\n if name == \"Damage\" or name == \"Resources\" or name == \"Resource Counter\" then\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0.1 }\n elseif name == \"Horror\" then\n position = { -0.025, 0.06, -0.025 }\n else\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0 }\n end\n\n self.createButton({\n label = tostring(val),\n click_function = \"addOrSubtract\",\n function_owner = self,\n position = position,\n height = 600,\n width = 1000,\n scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 },\n font_size = 600,\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 100 },\n color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n })\n\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Add 5\", function() updateVal(val + 5) end)\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Subtract 5\", function() updateVal(val - 5) end)\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Add 10\", function() updateVal(val + 10) end)\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Subtract 10\", function() updateVal(val - 10) end)\nend\n\nfunction updateVal(newVal)\n if tonumber(newVal) then\n val = math.min(math.max(newVal, MIN_VALUE), MAX_VALUE)\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\n end\nend\n\nfunction addOrSubtract(_, _, isRightClick)\n val = math.min(math.max(val + (isRightClick and -1 or 1), MIN_VALUE), MAX_VALUE)\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\nend\nend)\nreturn __bundle_require(\"__root\")", "LuaScriptState": "0", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "dd8a8a", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": -43.370182, "posY": 1.53360486, "posZ": -7.70003033, "rotX": 1.8679879E-08, "rotY": 269.999756, "rotZ": 1.17393029E-08, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "Slot Machines", "Description": "Public. Casino. Game.", "GMNotes": "{\n \"id\": \"88013\",\n \"type\": \"Location\",\n \"traits\": \"Public. Casino. Game.\",\n \"locationFront\": {\n \"icons\": \"Diamond\",\n \"connections\": \"Circle|Triangle\"\n },\n \"locationBack\": {\n \"icons\": \"Diamond\",\n \"connections\": \"Circle|Triangle\",\n \"uses\": [\n {\n \"countPerInvestigator\": 1,\n \"type\": \"Clue\",\n \"token\": \"clue\"\n }\n ]\n }\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "Location", "ScenarioCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": true, "CardID": 266412, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "2664": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860119704/FCC908E5C313759E9E478D5952C74179DF80ADA8/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860121579/39578AC78E34DAA169AB4DE4246BB1E002528B8C/", "NumWidth": 7, "NumHeight": 5, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": true, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "f5b319", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": -27.2854843, "posY": 1.54469442, "posZ": 9.631698, "rotX": 359.584381, "rotY": 269.940033, "rotZ": -0.0009215928, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "Abarran Arrigorriagakoa", "Description": "Humanoid. Casino. Coterie. Elite.", "GMNotes": "{\n \"id\": \"88034\",\n \"type\": \"Enemy\",\n \"traits\": \"Humanoid. Casino. Coterie. Elite.\",\n \"victory\": 1\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "ScenarioCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": true, "CardID": 551500, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "5515": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860155130/CCD87CDA1A67C6D2E21CAE9EF055FAB1BD6A176E/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860155551/B89D31C8C20CE6216B07DB6D688BB961CACB7BEA/", "NumWidth": 2, "NumHeight": 2, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": true, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "f5e552", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": 1.00253868, "posY": 1.59660506, "posZ": -4.80317354, "rotX": -4.426037E-08, "rotY": 269.968719, "rotZ": -7.708917E-08, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "The Wellspring of Fortune", "Description": "Symbol of Providence", "GMNotes": "{\n \"id\": \"88045\",\n \"type\": \"Asset\",\n \"class\": \"Neutral\"\n}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "Tags": [ "Asset", "PlayerCard" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": true, "CardID": 266433, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "2664": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860119704/FCC908E5C313759E9E478D5952C74179DF80ADA8/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860121579/39578AC78E34DAA169AB4DE4246BB1E002528B8C/", "NumWidth": 7, "NumHeight": 5, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": true, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" } ], "AttachedDecals": [ { "Transform": { "posX": -0.0021877822, "posY": -0.08963572, "posZ": -0.00288731651, "rotX": 270.0, "rotY": 359.869568, "rotZ": 0.0, "scaleX": 2.00000215, "scaleY": 2.00000238, "scaleZ": 2.00000262 }, "CustomDecal": { "Name": "dunwich_back", "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/959719855119695911/931B9829687A20F4DEADB36DA57B7E6D76792231/", "Size": 7.4 } } ] }, { "GUID": "b33e6c", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": -3.95599365, "posY": 1.59660506, "posZ": -10.4411621, "rotX": -4.1073983E-07, "rotY": 269.999268, "rotZ": 3.997389E-07, "scaleX": 1.0, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 1.0 }, "Nickname": "Scenario", "Description": "Fortune and Folly", "GMNotes": "{\"type\": \"ScenarioReference\", \"class\": \"Mythos\", \"tokens\": {\"back\": {\"Cultist\": {\"description\": \"Reveal another token. If you fail, raise your alarm level by 1.\", \"modifier\": 0}, \"Elder Thing\": {\"description\": \"-6. You may raise your alarm level by 1 to automatically succeed, instead.\", \"modifier\": -6}, \"Skull\": {\"description\": \"-X. X is your alarm level.\", \"modifier\": -999}, \"Tablet\": {\"description\": \"-4. The nearest enemy moves once toward you.\", \"modifier\": -4}}, \"front\": {\"Cultist\": {\"description\": \"Reveal another token. If you fail, raise your alarm level by 1.\", \"modifier\": 0}, \"Elder Thing\": {\"description\": \"-5. You may raise your alarm level by 1 to automatically succeed, instead.\", \"modifier\": -5}, \"Skull\": {\"description\": \"-X. X is half your alarm level (rounded up).\", \"modifier\": -999}, \"Tablet\": {\"description\": \"-3. If you fail, the nearest enemy moves once toward you.\", \"modifier\": -3}}}, \"id\": \"88001\"}", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 0.713235259, "g": 0.713235259, "b": 0.713235259 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": true, "CardID": 266400, "SidewaysCard": false, "CustomDeck": { "2664": { "FaceURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860119704/FCC908E5C313759E9E478D5952C74179DF80ADA8/", "BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1874087305860121579/39578AC78E34DAA169AB4DE4246BB1E002528B8C/", "NumWidth": 7, "NumHeight": 5, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": true, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "bac13d", "Name": "Custom_Tile", "Transform": { "posX": -3.75560927, "posY": 1.58300042, "posZ": -14.7822676, "rotX": 1.99191952E-08, "rotY": 269.936981, "rotZ": 7.286809E-08, "scaleX": 2.2, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 2.2 }, "Nickname": "Fortune and Folly", "Description": "click to set chaos token difficulty", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/965354846165100486/3DC8FCEF364B30758B09EF96AF9458F2B8E64D56/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/949588657194710961/D864BCCCC1C811EC7F0AED69D1C30C678D3D9FC9/", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomTile": { "Type": 3, "Thickness": 0.1, "Stackable": false, "Stretch": true } }, "LuaScript": "name = 'FaF'\r\n\r\nfunction onLoad()\r\n Global.call('createSetupButtons', {object=self, key=name})\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction easyClick()\r\n Global.call('fillContainer', {object=self, key=name, mode='easy'})\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction normalClick()\r\n Global.call('fillContainer', {object=self, key=name, mode='normal'})\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction hardClick()\r\n Global.call('fillContainer', {object=self, key=name, mode='hard'})\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction expertClick()\r\n Global.call('fillContainer', {object=self, key=name, mode='expert'})\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction standaloneClick()\r\n Global.call('fillContainer', {object=self, key=name, mode='standalone'})\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "c0de56", "Name": "Custom_Model_Bag", "Transform": { "posX": -0.1631706, "posY": 1.58100021, "posZ": 21.0960579, "rotX": -8.81460451E-08, "rotY": 270.000061, "rotZ": -6.63947446E-07, "scaleX": 2.21, "scaleY": 0.46, "scaleZ": 2.42 }, "Nickname": "Fortune and Folly Part 2", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "MaterialIndex": -1, "MeshIndex": -1, "CustomMesh": { "MeshURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobMayer/TTSLibrary/master/advboxes/tuckbox_h_MSH.obj", "DiffuseURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/2038486956995830579/F5F8F60C0FE0F1F3C038BFA8EA87DD04AF0C0C33/", "NormalURL": "", "ColliderURL": "", "Convex": true, "MaterialIndex": 3, "TypeIndex": 6, "CustomShader": { "SpecularColor": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "SpecularIntensity": 0.0, "SpecularSharpness": 2.0, "FresnelStrength": 0.0 }, "CastShadows": true }, "Bag": { "Order": 0 }, "LuaScript": "-- Utility memory bag by Directsun\r\n-- Version 2.5.2\r\n-- Fork of Memory Bag 2.0 by MrStump\r\n\r\nfunction updateSave()\r\n local data_to_save = {[\"ml\"]=memoryList}\r\n saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save)\r\n self.script_state = saved_data\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n local data = bagObj.lua_script_state\r\n if data ~= nil then\r\n local j = JSON.decode(data)\r\n if j ~= nil and j.ml ~= nil then\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(j.ml) do\r\n memoryList[guid] = entry\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n --get the first transposed object's coordinates\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(moveGuid)\r\n\r\n -- p1 is where needs to go, p2 is where it was\r\n local refObjPos = memoryList[moveGuid].pos\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(obj.getPosition(), refObjPos, nil)\r\n local movedRotation = obj.getRotation()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.x = entry.pos.x - deltaPos.x\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.y = entry.pos.y - deltaPos.y\r\n memoryList[guid].pos.z = entry.pos.z - deltaPos.z\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.x = movedRotation.x\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.y = movedRotation.y\r\n -- memoryList[guid].rot.z = movedRotation.z\r\n end\r\n\r\n --theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n -- pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n -- rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n -- lock=obj.getLock()\r\n --}\r\n moveList = {}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onload(saved_data)\r\n fresh = true\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" then\r\n local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n --Set up information off of loaded_data\r\n memoryList = loaded_data.ml\r\n else\r\n --Set up information for if there is no saved saved data\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n end\r\n\r\n moveList = {}\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n fresh = false\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Beginning Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Make setup button\r\nfunction createSetupButton()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by Transpose button\r\nfunction buttonClick_transpose()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Select one object and move it- all objects will move relative to the new location\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(true)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(true)\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Triggered by setup button,\r\nfunction buttonClick_setup()\r\n memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList)\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createButtonsOnAllObjects(false)\r\n createSetupActionButtons(false)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n local objTable = {}\r\n local curObj = {}\r\n\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryListBackup) do\r\n curObj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n table.insert(objTable, curObj)\r\n end\r\n\r\n return objTable\r\n -- return getAllObjects()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates selection buttons on objects\r\nfunction createButtonsOnAllObjects(move)\r\n local howManyButtons = 0\r\n\r\n local objsToHaveButtons = {}\r\n if move == true then\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjectsInMemory()\r\n else\r\n objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjects()\r\n end\r\n\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(objsToHaveButtons) do\r\n if obj ~= self then\r\n local dummyIndex = howManyButtons\r\n --On a normal bag, the button positions aren't the same size as the bag.\r\n globalScaleFactor = 1 * 1/self.getScale().x\r\n --Super sweet math to set button positions\r\n local selfPos = self.getPosition()\r\n local objPos = obj.getPosition()\r\n local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(selfPos, objPos, obj)\r\n local objPos = rotateLocalCoordinates(deltaPos, self)\r\n objPos.x = -objPos.x * globalScaleFactor\r\n objPos.y = objPos.y * globalScaleFactor + 2\r\n objPos.z = objPos.z * globalScaleFactor * 0.9\r\n --Offset rotation of bag\r\n local rot = self.getRotation()\r\n rot.y = -rot.y + 180\r\n --Create function\r\n local funcName = \"selectButton_\" .. howManyButtons\r\n local func = function() buttonClick_selection(dummyIndex, obj, move) end\r\n local color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function=funcName, function_owner=self,\r\n position=objPos, rotation=rot, height=500, width=500,\r\n color=color,\r\n })\r\n howManyButtons = howManyButtons + 1\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Creates submit and cancel buttons\r\nfunction createSetupActionButtons(move)\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Cancel\", click_function=\"buttonClick_cancel\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Submit\", click_function=\"buttonClick_submit\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if move == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Add\", click_function=\"buttonClick_add\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.25,1,0.25}\r\n })\r\n\r\n if fresh == false then\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Set New\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setNew\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Remove\", click_function=\"buttonClick_remove\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.3,-2.5}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,0.25,0.25}\r\n })\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Reset\", click_function=\"buttonClick_reset\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.3,-2.9}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=550,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--During Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Checks or unchecks buttons\r\nfunction buttonClick_selection(index, obj, move)\r\n local colorMove = {0,0,1,0.6}\r\n local color = {0,1,0,0.6}\r\n\r\n previousGuid = selectedGuid\r\n selectedGuid = obj.getGUID()\r\n\r\n theList = memoryList\r\n if move == true then\r\n theList = moveList\r\n if previousGuid ~= nil and previousGuid ~= selectedGuid then\r\n local prevObj = getObjectFromGUID(previousGuid)\r\n prevObj.highlightOff()\r\n self.editButton({index=previousIndex, color=colorMove})\r\n theList[previousGuid] = nil\r\n end\r\n previousIndex = index\r\n end\r\n\r\n if theList[selectedGuid] == nil then\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n --Adding pos/rot to memory table\r\n local pos, rot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n --I need to add it like this or it won't save due to indexing issue\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = {\r\n pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)},\r\n rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)},\r\n lock=obj.getLock()\r\n }\r\n obj.highlightOn({0,1,0})\r\n else\r\n color = {0.75,0.25,0.25,0.6}\r\n if move == true then\r\n color = colorMove\r\n end\r\n self.editButton({index=index, color=color})\r\n theList[obj.getGUID()] = nil\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Cancels selection process\r\nfunction buttonClick_cancel()\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n moveList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n if next(memoryList) == nil then\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n else\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n end\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Selection Canceled\", {1,1,1})\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Saves selections\r\nfunction buttonClick_submit()\r\n fresh = false\r\n if next(moveList) ~= nil then\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n end\r\n if memoryListBackup[moveGuid] == nil then\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Item selected for moving is not already in memory\", {1, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n else\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Moving all items in memory relative to new objects position!\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(moveList) do\r\n moveGuid = guid\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n updateMemoryWithMoves()\r\n updateSave()\r\n buttonClick_place()\r\n end\r\n elseif next(memoryList) == nil and moveGuid == nil then\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n broadcastToAll(\"No selections made.\", {0.75, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n end\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\n moveGuid = nil\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction combineTables(first_table, second_table)\r\n for k,v in pairs(second_table) do first_table[k] = v end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_add()\r\n fresh = false\r\n combineTables(memoryList, memoryListBackup)\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Adding internal bags and selections to existing memory\", {0.25, 0.75, 0.25})\r\n combineMemoryFromBagsWithin()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_remove()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Removing Selected Entries From Memory\", {1.0, 0.25, 0.25})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for guid in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid] = nil\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Removed\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction buttonClick_setNew()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Setting new position relative to items in memory\", {0.75, 0.75, 1})\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n local count = 0\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n guid = obj.guid\r\n if memoryListBackup[guid] ~= nil then\r\n count = count + 1\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].pos = obj.getPosition()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].rot = obj.getRotation()\r\n memoryListBackup[guid].lock = obj.getLock()\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(count..\" Objects Saved\", {1,1,1})\r\n memoryList = memoryListBackup\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Resets bag to starting status\r\nfunction buttonClick_reset()\r\n fresh = true\r\n memoryList = {}\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n createSetupButton()\r\n removeAllHighlights()\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Tool Reset\", {1,1,1})\r\n updateSave()\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--After Setup\r\n\r\n\r\n--Creates recall and place buttons\r\nfunction createMemoryActionButtons()\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Place\", click_function=\"buttonClick_place\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Recall\", click_function=\"buttonClick_recall\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={-0.6,0.1,2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label=\"Setup\", click_function=\"buttonClick_setup\", function_owner=self,\r\n position={0,0.1,-2.1}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=220, width=500,\r\n font_size=130, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1}\r\n })\r\n--- self.createButton({\r\n--- label=\"Move\", click_function=\"buttonClick_transpose\", function_owner=self,\r\n--- position={-2.8,0.3,0}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=350, width=800,\r\n--- font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={0.75,0.75,1}\r\n--- })\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Sends objects from bag/table to their saved position/rotation\r\nfunction buttonClick_place()\r\n local bagObjList = self.getObjects()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n --If obj is out on the table, move it to the saved pos/rot\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n obj.setPositionSmooth(entry.pos)\r\n obj.setRotationSmooth(entry.rot)\r\n obj.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n else\r\n --If obj is inside of the bag\r\n for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do\r\n if bagObj.guid == guid then\r\n local item = self.takeObject({\r\n guid=guid, position=entry.pos, rotation=entry.rot, smooth=false\r\n })\r\n item.setLock(entry.lock)\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Placed\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Recalls objects to bag from table\r\nfunction buttonClick_recall()\r\n for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do\r\n local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)\r\n if obj ~= nil then self.putObject(obj) end\r\n end\r\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Recalled\", {1,1,1})\r\nend\r\n\r\n\r\n--Utility functions\r\n\r\n\r\n--Find delta (difference) between 2 x/y/z coordinates\r\nfunction findOffsetDistance(p1, p2, obj)\r\n local yOffset = 0\r\n if obj ~= nil then\r\n local bounds = obj.getBounds()\r\n yOffset = (bounds.size.y - bounds.offset.y)\r\n end\r\n local deltaPos = {}\r\n deltaPos.x = (p2.x-p1.x)\r\n deltaPos.y = (p2.y-p1.y) + yOffset\r\n deltaPos.z = (p2.z-p1.z)\r\n return deltaPos\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Used to rotate a set of coordinates by an angle\r\nfunction rotateLocalCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal objPos, objRot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation()\r\n local angle = math.rad(objRot.y)\r\n\tlocal x = desiredPos.x * math.cos(angle) - desiredPos.z * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle) + desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n\t--return {x=objPos.x+x, y=objPos.y+desiredPos.y, z=objPos.z+z}\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction rotateMyCoordinates(desiredPos, obj)\r\n\tlocal angle = math.rad(obj.getRotation().y)\r\n local x = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle)\r\n\tlocal z = desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle)\r\n return {x=x, y=desiredPos.y, z=z}\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Coroutine delay, in seconds\r\nfunction wait(time)\r\n local start = os.time()\r\n repeat coroutine.yield(0) until os.time() > start + time\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Duplicates a table (needed to prevent it making reference to the same objects)\r\nfunction duplicateTable(oldTable)\r\n local newTable = {}\r\n for k, v in pairs(oldTable) do\r\n newTable[k] = v\r\n end\r\n return newTable\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Moves scripted highlight from all objects\r\nfunction removeAllHighlights()\r\n for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do\r\n obj.highlightOff()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n--Round number (num) to the Nth decimal (dec)\r\nfunction round(num, dec)\r\n local mult = 10^(dec or 0)\r\n return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": 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JSON.encode(markedBoxes) end\r\n\r\n-- Startup procedure\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" and markDEBUG == \"\" then\r\n markedBoxes = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Reset Inputs\", function() updateState() end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: normal\", function() self.setScale({ 1, 1, 1 }) end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: double\", function() self.setScale({ 2, 1, 2 }) end)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateState(markedBoxesNew)\r\n if markedBoxesNew then\r\n markedBoxes = markedBoxesNew\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- create Data\r\nfunction makeData()\r\n Data = {}\r\n Data.checkbox = {}\r\n\r\n -- repeat this for each entry (= line) in existingBoxes\r\n local totalCount = 0\r\n for i = 1, #existingBoxes do\r\n -- repeat this for each checkbox per line\r\n for j = 1, existingBoxes[i] do\r\n totalCount = totalCount + 1\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount] = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.x = x_1 + j * x_offset\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.z = posZ[i]\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].row = i\r\n\r\n if (markDEBUG == \"all\") or (markedBoxes[i] >= j and markDEBUG ~= \"none\") then\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = true\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = false\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- checks or unchecks the given box\r\nfunction click_checkbox(tableIndex)\r\n local row = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].row\r\n\r\n if Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state == true then\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = false\r\n\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] - 1\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = true\r\n\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] + 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = tableIndex - 1,\r\n position = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n self.clearInputs()\r\n\r\n for i, box_data in ipairs(Data.checkbox) do\r\n local funcName = \"checkbox\" .. i\r\n local func = function() click_checkbox(i) end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function = funcName,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = box_data.pos,\r\n height = boxSize,\r\n width = boxSize,\r\n font_size = box_data.size,\r\n scale = { 1, 1, 1 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0 },\r\n font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", "LuaScriptState": "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]", "XmlUI": "", "States": { "1": { "GUID": "9d4ae0", "Name": "CardCustom", "Transform": { "posX": -15.0233335, "posY": 1.53360486, "posZ": 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"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1814412497119682452/BD224FCE1980DBA38E5A687FABFD146AA1A30D0E/", "NumWidth": 1, "NumHeight": 1, "BackIsHidden": true, "UniqueBack": false, "Type": 0 } }, "LuaScript": "-- Clickable Card: The Stakeout\r\n-- by Chr1Z\r\ninformation = {\r\n version = \"1.0\",\r\n last_updated = \"04.11.2022\"\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- Color information for buttons\r\nboxSize = 50\r\n\r\n-- static values\r\nx_1 = -0.90\r\nx_offset = 0.075\r\ny_visible = 0.25\r\ny_invisible = -0.5\r\n\r\n-- z-values (lines on the sheet)\r\nposZ = {\r\n -0.58,\r\n -0.44,\r\n -0.21,\r\n 0.03,\r\n 0.26,\r\n 0.39\r\n}\r\n\r\n-- box setup (amount of boxes per line and amount of marked boxes in that line)\r\nexistingBoxes = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }\r\n\r\n-- override 'marked boxes' for debugging ('all' or 'none')\r\nmarkDEBUG = \"\"\r\n\r\n-- save state when going into bags / decks\r\nfunction onDestroy() self.script_state = onSave() end\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(markedBoxes) end\r\n\r\n-- Startup procedure\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= \"\" and markDEBUG == \"\" then\r\n markedBoxes = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Reset Inputs\", function() updateState() end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: normal\", function() self.setScale({ 1, 1, 1 }) end)\r\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Scale: double\", function() self.setScale({ 2, 1, 2 }) end)\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction updateState(markedBoxesNew)\r\n if markedBoxesNew then\r\n markedBoxes = markedBoxesNew\r\n else\r\n markedBoxes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n end\r\n\r\n makeData()\r\n createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- create Data\r\nfunction makeData()\r\n Data = {}\r\n Data.checkbox = {}\r\n\r\n -- repeat this for each entry (= line) in existingBoxes\r\n local totalCount = 0\r\n for i = 1, #existingBoxes do\r\n -- repeat this for each checkbox per line\r\n for j = 1, existingBoxes[i] do\r\n totalCount = totalCount + 1\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount] = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos = {}\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.x = x_1 + j * x_offset\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.z = posZ[i]\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].row = i\r\n\r\n if (markDEBUG == \"all\") or (markedBoxes[i] >= j and markDEBUG ~= \"none\") then\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = true\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[totalCount].state = false\r\n end\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\n-- checks or unchecks the given box\r\nfunction click_checkbox(tableIndex)\r\n local row = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].row\r\n\r\n if Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state == true then\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_invisible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = false\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] - 1\r\n else\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos.y = y_visible\r\n Data.checkbox[tableIndex].state = true\r\n markedBoxes[row] = markedBoxes[row] + 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.editButton({\r\n index = tableIndex - 1,\r\n position = Data.checkbox[tableIndex].pos\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction createButtonsAndBoxes()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n self.clearInputs()\r\n\r\n for i, box_data in ipairs(Data.checkbox) do\r\n local funcName = \"checkbox\" .. i\r\n local func = function() click_checkbox(i) end\r\n self.setVar(funcName, func)\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n click_function = funcName,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = box_data.pos,\r\n height = boxSize,\r\n width = boxSize,\r\n font_size = box_data.size,\r\n scale = { 1, 1, 1 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0 },\r\n font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", "LuaScriptState": "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]", "XmlUI": "" } } }, { "GUID": "092a19", "Name": "Card", "Transform": { "posX": -36.77331, "posY": 1.53360486, "posZ": 7.57000446, "rotX": 1.63980687E-08, "rotY": 269.999329, "rotZ": 2.7237177E-09, 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"GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomImage": { "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/949592555964782208/CC876694A6684B3C2680CE2FE3259F574AE0AD97/", "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageScalar": 1.0, "WidthScale": 0.0, "CustomToken": { "Thickness": 0.1, "MergeDistancePixels": 5.0, "StandUp": false, "Stackable": false } }, "LuaScript": "-- Alarm Level Counter\r\n-- made by: Chr1Z\r\n\r\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode(val) end\r\n\r\nfunction onLoad(saved_data)\r\n if saved_data ~= nil then\r\n val = JSON.decode(saved_data)\r\n else\r\n val = 1\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n label = tostring(val),\r\n click_function = \"add_subtract\",\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = { 0, 0.06, 0 },\r\n height = 600,\r\n width = 1000,\r\n scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 },\r\n font_size = 750,\r\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 100 },\r\n color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction add_subtract(_, _, alt_click)\r\n local new_val = math.min(math.max(val + (alt_click and -1 or 1), 1), 10)\r\n\r\n if new_val == val then\r\n printToAll(\"Alarm level can only be between 0 and 11!\", \"Orange\")\r\n else\r\n val = new_val\r\n self.editButton({ index = 0, label = tostring(val) })\r\n end\r\nend", "LuaScriptState": "1", "XmlUI": "" } ], "AttachedDecals": [ { "Transform": { "posX": -0.0021877822, "posY": -0.08963572, "posZ": -0.00288731651, "rotX": 270.0, "rotY": 359.869568, "rotZ": 0.0, "scaleX": 2.00000215, "scaleY": 2.00000238, "scaleZ": 2.00000262 }, "CustomDecal": { "Name": "dunwich_back", "ImageURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/959719855119695911/931B9829687A20F4DEADB36DA57B7E6D76792231/", "Size": 7.4 } } ] }