{ "GUID": "2e5eef", "Name": "Custom_Model_Bag", "Transform": { "posX": 9.66707, "posY": 1.27387118, "posZ": 51.9348259, "rotX": 0.255240321, "rotY": 269.997345, "rotZ": 0.0006113746, "scaleX": 2.21, "scaleY": 0.46, "scaleZ": 2.42 }, "Nickname": "The Shadows of Arkham Player Cards", "Description": "Shad", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "MaterialIndex": -1, "MeshIndex": -1, "CustomMesh": { "MeshURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobMayer/TTSLibrary/master/advboxes/tuckbox_h_MSH.obj", "DiffuseURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1697282751257289223/D03666A291CC5705A3656865488583FF4AB762B4/", "NormalURL": "", "ColliderURL": "", "Convex": true, "MaterialIndex": 3, "TypeIndex": 6, "CustomShader": { "SpecularColor": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "SpecularIntensity": 0.0, "SpecularSharpness": 2.0, "FresnelStrength": 0.0 }, "CastShadows": true }, "Bag": { "Order": 0 }, "LuaScript": "---\n--- Generated by EmmyLua(https://github.com/EmmyLua)\n--- Created by Whimsical.\n--- DateTime: 2021-03-16 3:26 p.m.\n---\n\n--- Original Memory Bag by MrStump\n--- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=953770080\n\n---@class MemoryListEntry\n---@field public position Vector\n---@field public rotation Vector\n---@field public lock boolean\nlocal MemoryListEntry={}\n\n---@type table\nlocal memory_list = {}\n\nlocal POSTFIX = {\n SAVE = \"_memory_object\",\n ZONE = \"_memory_zone\",\n SHUFFLE = \"_memory_shuffle\"\n}\n\n---@type table\nlocal BUTTON = {\n POSITION = Vector(0, 0, 2.2),\n ROTATION = Vector(0, 0, 0),\n HEIGHT = 350,\n WIDTH = 800,\n FONT_SIZE = 250,\n COLOR = Color.Black,\n FONT_COLOR = Color.White\n}\n\nlocal ipairs = ipairs\nlocal pairs = pairs\n\n---@return string\nlocal function get_prefix()\n return self:getDescription()\nend\n\nlocal function updateSave()\n local data_to_save = {[\"ml\"]=memory_list}\n local saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save)\n self.script_state = saved_data\nend\n\n---@param label string\n---@param action string\nlocal function createButton(label, action)\n self:clearButtons()\n\n ---@type CreateClassicUIButton\n local parameters = {\n label = label,\n click_function = action,\n function_owner = self\n }\n\n for key, value in pairs(BUTTON) do\n parameters[key:lower()] = value\n end\n\n self:createButton(parameters)\nend\n\nlocal function create_place_button() createButton(\"Place\", \"place_objects\") end\nlocal function create_recall_button() createButton(\"Recall\", \"recall_objects\") end\n\n---@param tag string\n---@param lock boolean\n---@return fun(object:TTSObject)\nlocal function create_object_callback(tag, lock)\n ---@param object TTSObject\n return function (object)\n object:setLock(lock)\n if object:hasTag(tag) then object:shuffle() end\n end\nend\n\n---@param object TTSObject\nlocal function record_objects(object)\n memory_list[object:getGUID()] = {\n position = object:getPosition(),\n rotation = object:getRotation(),\n lock = object:getLock()\n }\n self:putObject(object)\nend\n\n---@param objects TTSObject[]\nlocal function update_objects(objects)\n for _, object in ipairs(objects) do\n record_objects(object)\n end\nend\n\n--Sends objects from bag/table to their saved position/rotation\nfunction place_objects()\n local prefix = get_prefix()\n local shuffle_tag = prefix .. POSTFIX.SHUFFLE\n local content = self.getObjects()\n\n for _, item in ipairs(content) do\n local entry = memory_list[item.guid]\n if entry then\n self.takeObject {\n guid=item.guid,\n position=entry.position,\n rotation=entry.rotation,\n callback_function = create_object_callback(shuffle_tag, entry.lock)\n }\n end\n end\n\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Placed\", {1,1,1})\n create_recall_button()\nend\n\n--Recalls objects to bag from table\nfunction recall_objects()\n memory_list = {}\n local prefix = get_prefix()\n\n if prefix==\"\" then\n broadcastToAll(\"Error in Memory Bag: Tag prefix not set.\")\n return\n end\n\n local save_tag = prefix .. POSTFIX.SAVE\n local zone_tag = prefix .. POSTFIX.ZONE\n\n local zones = getObjectsWithTag(zone_tag)\n if #zones>0 then\n for _, zone in ipairs(zones) do\n update_objects(zone:getObjects())\n end\n else\n update_objects(getObjectsWithTag(save_tag))\n end\n updateSave()\n broadcastToAll(\"Objects Recalled\", {1,1,1})\n create_place_button()\nend\n\nfunction onload(saved_data)\n if saved_data ~= \"\" then\n local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data)\n --Set up information off of loaded_data\n memory_list = loaded_data.ml\n else\n --Set up information for if there is no saved saved data\n memory_list = {}\n end\n\n if self:getQuantity()==0 then\n create_recall_button()\n else\n create_place_button()\n end\nend", "LuaScriptState": 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self.addContextMenuItem(\"Seal Elder Sign\", function(playerColor) sealToken(url, playerColor) end)\n end\n end\nend\n\nfunction sealToken(url, playerColor)\n local pos = self.getPosition()\n\n local name = IMAGE_TOKEN_MAP[url]\n for i,obj in ipairs(chaosbag.getObjects()) do\n if obj.name == name then\n chaosbag.takeObject({\n position={ pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z },\n index=i-1,\n smooth=false,\n callback_function=_sealToken\n })\n return\n end\n end\n printToColor(name .. \" token not found in bag\", playerColor)\nend\n\nfunction _sealToken(obj)\n table.insert(sealedTokens, obj)\nend\n\nfunction releaseTokens(playerColor)\n printToColor(\"Releasing token\", playerColor)\n for i,obj in ipairs(sealedTokens) do\n chaosbag.putObject(obj)\n end\n sealedTokens = { }\nend\n\nfunction getChaosBag()\n local items = getObjectFromGUID(\"83ef06\").getObjects()\n local chaosbag = nil\n for i,v in ipairs(items) do\n if v.getDescription() == \"Chaos Bag\" then\n chaosbag = getObjectFromGUID(v.getGUID())\n break\n end\n end\n if chaosbag == nil then printToAll(\"No chaos bag found\") end\n return chaosbag\nend", "LuaScriptState": "", "XmlUI": "" }, { "GUID": "eda90d", "Name": "Custom_PDF", "Transform": { "posX": 6.610292, "posY": 1.2753799, "posZ": 85.8816147, "rotX": 0.0383561254, "rotY": 270.0045, "rotZ": 0.0200017616, "scaleX": 3.907751, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 3.907751 }, "Nickname": "", "Description": "", "GMNotes": "", "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "ColorDiffuse": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0 }, "Tags": [ "shad_memory_object" ], "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Value": 0, "Locked": false, "Grid": true, "Snap": true, "IgnoreFoW": false, "MeasureMovement": false, "DragSelectable": true, "Autoraise": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "GridProjection": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "Hands": false, "CustomPDF": { "PDFUrl": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1806519361648221552/18D278D1017651C4F0B019F27593EAA80BA9BA44/", 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