function onLoad() local params = {} params.click_function = 'updateSurface' params.function_owner = self params.label = 'Apply' params.tooltip= 'Left click to apply image, right click to revert to default.' params.position = {0,0.05,-1.6} params.rotation = {0,0,0} params.height = 250 params.width = 580 params.color = {0,0,0} params.font_color = {1,1,1} self.createButton(params) end function updateSurface(obj, color, alt_click) obj_surface = getObjectFromGUID("721ba2") local customInfo = obj_surface.getCustomObject() if alt_click == false then customInfo.image = "" else customInfo.image = "" end obj_surface.setCustomObject(customInfo) obj_surface = obj_surface.reload() broadcastToAll("New Playmat Image Applied", {0.2,0.9,0.2}) end