-- Customizable Cards: Living Ink -- Size information for buttons boxSize = 40 -- static values xInitial = -0.935 xOffset = 0.075 -- z-values (lines on the sheet) posZ = { -0.69, -0.355, 0.0855, 0.425, 0.555, 0.685, 1.02 } -- box setup (amount of boxes per line and amount of marked boxes in that line) existingBoxes = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 } inputBoxes = {} -- Locations of the skill selectors SKILL_ICON_POSITIONS = { willpower = { x = 0.085, z = -0.88 }, intellect = { x = -0.183, z = -0.88 }, combat = { x = -0.473, z = -0.88 }, agility = { x = -0.74, z = -0.88 }, } customizations = { [1] = { }, -- Empty placeholder for skill selection row, handled by custom skill display [2] = { checkboxes = { posZ = -0.69, count = 1, } }, [3] = { checkboxes = { posZ = -0.355, count = 1, } }, [4] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.0855, count = 2, } }, [5] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.425, count = 2, } }, [6] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.555, count = 3, }, }, [7] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.685, count = 3, } }, [8] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 1.02, count = 3, }, }, } require("playercards/customizable/UpgradeSheetLibrary")