-- Stat Tracker -- made by: Chr1Z -- description: helps tracking the stats of your investigator information = { version = "1.1", last_updated = "12.11.2022" } local BUTTON_PARAMETERS = {} BUTTON_PARAMETERS.function_owner = self BUTTON_PARAMETERS.height = 650 BUTTON_PARAMETERS.width = 700 BUTTON_PARAMETERS.position = { -4.775, 0.1, -0.03 } BUTTON_PARAMETERS.color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } BUTTON_PARAMETERS.font_color = { 0, 0, 0, 100 } BUTTON_PARAMETERS.font_size = 450 X_OFFSET = 1.91 function onSave() return JSON.encode(stats) end -- load stats and make buttons (left to right) function onLoad(saved_data) stats = JSON.decode(saved_data) or { 1, 1, 1, 1 } for i = 1, 4 do BUTTON_PARAMETERS.position[1] = BUTTON_PARAMETERS.position[1] + X_OFFSET BUTTON_PARAMETERS.label = stats[i] .. " " BUTTON_PARAMETERS.click_function = attachIndex("button_click", i) self.createButton(BUTTON_PARAMETERS) end self.addContextMenuItem("More Information", function() printToAll("------------------------------", "White") printToAll("Stat Tracker v" .. information["version"] .. " by Chr1Z", "Orange") printToAll("last updated: " .. information["last_updated"], "White") end) self.addContextMenuItem("Reset to 1s", function() updateStats({ 1, 1, 1, 1 }) end) end -- helper function to carry index function attachIndex(click_function, index) local fn_name = click_function .. index _G[fn_name] = function(obj, player_color, isRightClick) _G[click_function](obj, player_color, isRightClick, index) end return fn_name end function button_click(_, _, isRightClick, index) stats[index] = math.min(math.max(stats[index] + (isRightClick and -1 or 1), 0), 99) changeButton(index) end function changeButton(index) local font_size = BUTTON_PARAMETERS.font_size local whitespace = " " if stats[index] > 9 then font_size = BUTTON_PARAMETERS.font_size * 0.65 whitespace = " " end self.editButton({ index = index - 1, label = stats[index] .. whitespace, font_size = font_size }) end -- formatting of "newStats": {Willpower, Intellect, Fight, Agility} function updateStats(newStats) if newStats and #newStats == 4 then stats = newStats elseif newStats then printToAll("Provided new stats are incomplete or incorrectly formatted.", "Red") return end for i = 1, 4 do changeButton(i) end end