do local BlessCurseManagerApi = {} local MANAGER_GUID = "5933fb" -- removes all taken tokens and resets the counts BlessCurseManagerApi.removeTakenTokensAndReset = function() local BlessCurseManager = getObjectFromGUID(MANAGER_GUID) Wait.time(function()"removeTakenTokens", "Bless") end, 0.05) Wait.time(function()"removeTakenTokens", "Curse") end, 0.10) Wait.time(function()"doReset", "White") end, 0.15) end -- updates the internal count (called by cards that seal bless/curse tokens) BlessCurseManagerApi.sealedToken = function(type, guid) getObjectFromGUID(MANAGER_GUID).call("sealedToken", { type = type, guid = guid }) end -- updates the internal count (called by cards that seal bless/curse tokens) BlessCurseManagerApi.releasedToken = function(type, guid) getObjectFromGUID(MANAGER_GUID).call("releasedToken", { type = type, guid = guid }) end -- broadcasts the current status for bless/curse tokens ---@param playerColor String Color of the player to show the broadcast to BlessCurseManagerApi.broadcastStatus = function(playerColor) getObjectFromGUID(MANAGER_GUID).call("broadcastStatus", playerColor) end -- adds Wendy's menu to the hovered card (allows sealing of tokens) ---@param color String Color of the player to show the broadcast to BlessCurseManagerApi.addWendysMenu = function(playerColor, hoveredObject) getObjectFromGUID(MANAGER_GUID).call("addMenuOptions", { playerColor = playerColor, hoveredObject = hoveredObject }) end return BlessCurseManagerApi end