local controlActive = false local DEFAULT_URL = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/998015670465071049/FFAE162920D67CF38045EFBD3B85AD0F916147B2/" -- parameters for open/close button for reusing local buttonParameters = {} buttonParameters.function_owner = self buttonParameters.click_function = "click_toggleControl" buttonParameters.height = 1500 buttonParameters.width = 1500 buttonParameters.color = { 1, 1, 1, 0 } function onLoad() createOpenCloseButton() end -- click function for main button function click_toggleControl() self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() controlActive = not controlActive createOpenCloseButton() if not controlActive then return end -- creates the label, input box and apply button self.createButton({ function_owner = self, label = "Playmat Image Swapper", tooltip = "", click_function = "none", position = { 0, 0.15, 2.2 }, height = 0, width = 0, font_size = 300, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) self.createInput({ function_owner = self, label = "URL", tooltip = "Enter URL for playmat image", input_function = "none", alignment = 3, position = { 0, 0.15, 3 }, height = 323, width = 4000, font_size = 300 }) self.createButton({ function_owner = self, label = "Apply Image\nTo Playmat", tooltip = "Left-Click: Apply URL\nRight-Click: Reset to default image", click_function = "click_applySurface", position = { 0, 0.15, 4.1 }, height = 460, width = 1400, font_size = 200 }) end -- click function for apply button function click_applySurface(_, _, isRightClick) updateSurface(isRightClick and "" or self.getInputs()[1].value) end -- input function for the input box function none() end -- main function (can be called by other objects) function updateSurface(newURL) local playArea = getObjectFromGUID("721ba2") local customInfo = playArea.getCustomObject() if newURL ~= "" and newURL ~= nil and newURL ~= DEFAULT_URL then customInfo.image = newURL broadcastToAll("New Playmat Image Applied", { 0.2, 0.9, 0.2 }) else customInfo.image = DEFAULT_URL broadcastToAll("Default Playmat Image Applied", { 0.2, 0.9, 0.2 }) end playArea.setCustomObject(customInfo) -- get custom data helper and call the playarea with it after reloading local guid = playArea.getVar("customDataHelper") playArea = playArea.reload() if guid ~= nil then Wait.time(function() playArea.call("updateLocations", { guid }) end, 1) end end -- creates the main button function createOpenCloseButton() buttonParameters.tooltip = (controlActive and "Close" or "Open") .. " Playmat Panel" self.createButton(buttonParameters) end