do local TokenArrangerApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") -- internal function to create a copy of the table to avoid operating on variables owned by different objects local function deepCopy(data) if type(data) ~= "table" then return data end local copiedList = {} for key, value in pairs(data) do if type(value) == "table" then copiedList[key] = deepCopy(value) else copiedList[key] = value end end return copiedList end -- local function to call the token arranger, if it is on the table ---@param functionName string Name of the function to cal ---@param argument? table Parameter to pass local function callIfExistent(functionName, argument) local tokenArranger = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "TokenArranger") if tokenArranger ~= nil then return, argument) end end -- updates the token modifiers with the provided data ---@param fullData table Contains the chaos token metadata TokenArrangerApi.onTokenDataChanged = function(fullData) callIfExistent("onTokenDataChanged", fullData) end -- deletes already laid out tokens TokenArrangerApi.deleteCopiedTokens = function() callIfExistent("deleteCopiedTokens") end -- updates the laid out tokens TokenArrangerApi.layout = function() Wait.time(function() callIfExistent("layout") end, 0.1) end TokenArrangerApi.getSaveData = function() return deepCopy(callIfExistent("getSaveData")) end TokenArrangerApi.loadData = function(loadedData) callIfExistent("loadData", loadedData) end return TokenArrangerApi end