{ "10": { "body": "Created by Whimsical\n\nAnything that passes over the remover that isn't a card, deck or chaos token will be deleted.\r\nTo use the remover, right click on it, choose the \"Enable\" option, and take your card with resources/horror/damage and swipe it over the remover. You may wish to unlock and/or copy the remover to your play area first.", "color": "Grey", "id": 10, "title": "Token Remover", "visibleColor": { "b": 0.5, "g": 0.5, "r": 0.5 } }, "11": { "body": "By Whimsical. Requires Numlock set to On.\nNumpad 1: Cut top 3 cards of deck\nNumpad 2: Cut top 6 cards of deck\nNumpad 3: Cut top 9 cards of deck\nNumpad 4: Spawn Damage\nNumpad 5: Spawn Connection Marker\nNumpad 6: Spawn Horror\nNumpad 7: Spawn Doom\nNumpad 8: Spawn Clue\nNumpad 9: Spawn Resource\nNumpad 0: Draw lines between selected objects. Hold to draw lines from mouseover object to other selected objects.", "color": "Grey", "id": 11, "title": "Numpad Hotkeys", "visibleColor": { "b": 0.5, "g": 0.5, "r": 0.5 } }, "7": { "body": "The server host can enable or disable cards in hands being hidden from other players by going to the menu at the top of the TTS screen, clicking options, and choosing Hands. The \"Disable\" setting reveals all player hands to all players, while the \"Default\" setting means that each player can only see the cards in their own hand.", "color": "Grey", "id": 7, "title": "How to Hide Hands", "visibleColor": { "b": 0.5, "g": 0.5, "r": 0.5 } }, "8": { "body": "Welcome to Arkham Horror LCG - Super Complete Edition!\r\n\r\nBelow you will find all the features and instructions this mod is loaded with, that will make your AH LCG experience easier.\r\n\r\nDECKBUILDING\r\n1. All current existing investigators are on the right-hand side, and within each chest you will find their investigator-specific assets and weaknesses. Also included is a basic starter deck which only requires you to add a basic random weakness to get going.\r\n\r\n2. On the left-hand side you will find both the weakness decks as well as lvl 0 cards sorted by class. To reveal the cards, click on each corresponding token to deal the cards onto the table. Cards are sorted by order of Skill, event and Asset cards top-down and increasing resource cost, left to right. \r\n\r\n3. On the upper side you have the upgrade cards. Similarly, click each token to deal the cards out onto the table. Cards are arranged both in increasing xp cost and resource cost, left to right. Typically, these are the cards you will be spending XP on between scenarios to purchase and improve your deck.\r\n4. On the right-hand side underneath the Investigators, you will find the automated ArkhamDB Deckbuilder (coded and maintained by Grabben). Click the load cards button to activate the Deckbuilder, check ArkhamDB for your chosen deck’s URL and insert its number code following the instructions on the deckbuilder, and it will build the deck automatically for you.\r\n\r\nSCENARIOS \u0026 SETUP\r\n1. \tArkham Horror LCG comes with a core campaign (Night of the Zealot) and several expansions (The Dunwich Legacy, The Path to Carcosa \u0026 The Forgotten Age). Within each box you will find the volumes that contain all the cards required for each scenario setup, as well as a tablet linking to the official campaign guide PDF. Also included are chaos token cards and a Campaign Log.\r\n\r\n2. \tEach scenario is setup differently, and while some of the work has been prepared beforehand (such as building encounter decks), you will have to refer to the Campaign Guide for specific instructions on how to set up each scenario.\r\n\r\n3. \tThe chaos bag is always placed on the scenario setup mat in the upper right-hand corner onto a snap point that tilts it at a 45-degree angle. Each scenario volume will contain a difficulty card, where you will have the choice of four difficulties. Press the button on the card according to the difficulty of your choosing and the chaos bag will automatically be configured with the tokens specific to that difficulty. In campaign play it is recommended to save your decks and chaos bag at the end of your scenario to carry over onto the next, as often tokens are added or removed from the chaos bag depending on actions or decisions made during the game. These additional tokens can be drawn from the token reserve book resting next to the newspaper in the middle of the main table – right click it and search for the token you need.\n\r\n4. \tWhen placing location cards, always place them face down on the main play area (the dark map of Arkham, Massachusetts) with the number of clues per location unrevealed. The mod is scripted so that when you flip said location cards (usually when entering the location with an investigator), if it contains clues, the number of clues specific to that location will automatically spawn. Note, that the mod only spawns tokens in relation to the number of players currently set on the playmat player settings. To set the number of players, left-click on the \"Investigators Playing\" number to increase, or right-click to decrease.\r\n\n5. To make location mapping easier, you can draw location connector tokens from the arrow-shaped container below the main play area. Each token has three states (one way, two way and four way) to use them accordingly to better visualize how your locations connect.\n\r\n6. \tIf you require additional doom or clue tokens, these are located on the scenario playmat in their corresponding containers. A handy Doom counter has been also been added to track the doom on the agenda – left-click to add to add, and right-click to deduct. Keep in mind that any doom spawned on enemies, locations or assets needs to be mentally added to the doom in play on the agenda to account for total doom.\r\n\r\nINVESTIGATOR PLAYMAT AND GAMEPLAY\r\n1. \tInvestigator mats are scripted to automate most of the gameplay for you. wdw\n\r\n2. \tEach mat has slots for inventory, where if you play an asset (for example you put a gun that has 4 ammo into your right-hand slot), the mod will automatically spawn the 4 resource tokens onto your equipped card.\n\r\n3.\tThe draw encounter button on the left-hand side will draw the topmost card from the encounter deck and put it in your threat area. Left-clicking will draw the card face-down, and right-clicking will draw the card face-up. When you draw a weakness, or engage an enemy, it is recommended you put it in your threat area, and once you defeat the enemy or treachery, you can send it to the encounter discard pile by clicking the discard button. If you defeat an enemy with a victory point, make sure not to discard to the discard pile, but pick the card up and drop it at the victory display.\n\r\n4. \tThe Click for Chaos button does just that, draw a random chaos token from your chaos bag. Clicking a second time, sends your chaos token back into the bag, which is then shuffled. If one player clicks to draw a token and doesn’t click a second time to send it back, the click from another player on his personal mat will send the token back first, and the next click will draw the token. Additionally, right-clicking the button will continue drawing tokens and line them up next to each other, which is useful for specific draw conditions the game may require from you. Left-clicking again will send all drawn tokens back to the bag.\n\nADDITIONAL FEATURES:\n1. Over 20 Fan-made scenarios created by the thriving community of Arkham Horror LCG have been included. Some of these are one-scenario missions, others are long involved campaigns spanning multiple scenarios. These are all contained in \"The Side Missions\". This boxset also includes the official FFG-created sidemissions Curse of the Rougarou, Carnevale of Horrors, Labrynths of Lunacy and The Eternal Slumber. Read the rulebook on including a side-mission into an ongoing campaign, or play it as a one-off adventure! Setup instructions are included in each volume.\n\n2. If you are not a fan of the dark themed Arkham map for the playmat, you can change the image on it to any you like. At the top left hand side of the playmat is an image icon, which when clicked will reveal a image swap panel. Input the URL for the image you want to repalce the playmat with, and the panel will apply the image for you. Keep in mind this will not change the existing snap points on the current playmat.\n\r\nAs a final comment, please be sure to let me know on the mod page in steam workshop if you find any bugs, issues or have any suggestions for improvement!\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n", "color": "Grey", "id": 8, "title": "Basic Intro", "visibleColor": { "b": 0.5, "g": 0.5, "r": 0.5 } }, "9": { "body": "Implemented by Tikatoy\nIdea conceived by Cadentia\n\nVersion 3.3\n\nTop buttons manage bless tokens, bottom buttons manage curse tokens\nADD - creates a new token and adds it to the chaos bag\nREMOVE - removes a token from the chaos bag and destroys it\nTAKE - takes a token from the chaos bag and places it below the manager (for sealing)\nRETURN - returns the last token taken from the chaos bag to the chaos bag\n\nTo use Parallel Wendy, go to Options -\u003e Game Keys, then bind a key or mouse button to Wendy's Menu. Hover over any card (won't work on decks) then press the bound key. Right-click seal/release options will be added to the card.\n\n---Other Notes---\n\nOnly use ONE token manager at a time\nTokens are limited to 10 of each type in play\nBless and curse tokens should be in the chaos bag before trying to REMOVE or TAKE them\nEach action logs a message which ends with (# in bag/# taken); hit enter to view log\n**WARNING**: Tracking # of tokens in bag and in play will NOT persist between saves\n\r", "color": "Grey", "id": 9, "title": "Bless / Curse Manager", "visibleColor": { "b": 0.5, "g": 0.5, "r": 0.5 } } }