local blessCurseManagerApi = require("chaosbag/BlessCurseManagerApi") local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local optionPanelApi = require("core/OptionPanelApi") local playmatApi = require("playermat/PlaymatApi") local searchLib = require("util/SearchLib") local victoryDisplayApi = require("core/VictoryDisplayApi") function onLoad() addHotkey("Add Doom to Agenda", addDoomToAgenda) addHotkey("Bless/Curse Status", showBlessCurseStatus) addHotkey("Discard Object", discardObject) addHotkey("Discard top card", discardTopDeck) addHotkey("Move card to Victory Display", moveCardToVictoryDisplay) addHotkey("Remove a use", removeOneUse) addHotkey("Take clue from location", takeClueFromLocation) addHotkey("Upkeep", triggerUpkeep) addHotkey("Upkeep (Multi-handed)", triggerUpkeepMultihanded) addHotkey("Wendy's Menu", addWendysMenu) end -- triggers the "Upkeep" function of the calling player's playmat function triggerUpkeep(playerColor) if playerColor == "Black" then broadcastToColor("Triggering 'Upkeep (Multihanded)' instead", playerColor, "Yellow") triggerUpkeepMultihanded(playerColor) return end local matColor = playmatApi.getMatColor(playerColor) playmatApi.doUpkeepFromHotkey(matColor, playerColor) end -- triggers the "Upkeep" function of the calling player's playmat AND -- for all playmats that don't have a seated player, but a investigator card function triggerUpkeepMultihanded(playerColor) if playerColor ~= "Black" then triggerUpkeep(playerColor) end local colors = Player.getAvailableColors() for _, handColor in ipairs(colors) do local matColor = playmatApi.getMatColor(handColor) if playmatApi.returnInvestigatorId(matColor) ~= "00000" and Player[handColor].seated == false then playmatApi.doUpkeepFromHotkey(matColor, playerColor) end end end -- adds 1 doom to the agenda function addDoomToAgenda() local doomCounter = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "DoomCounter") doomCounter.call("addVal", 1) end -- discard the hovered object to the respective trashcan and discard tokens on it if it was a card function discardObject(playerColor, hoveredObject) -- only continue if an unlocked card, deck or tile was hovered if hoveredObject == nil or (hoveredObject.type ~= "Card" and hoveredObject.type ~= "Deck" and hoveredObject.type ~= "Tile") or hoveredObject.locked then broadcastToColor("Hover a token/tile or a card/deck and try again.", playerColor, "Yellow") return end -- warning for locations since these are usually not meant to be discarded if hoveredObject.hasTag("Location") then broadcastToAll("Watch out: A location was discarded.", "Yellow") end -- initialize list of objects to discard local discardTheseObjects = { hoveredObject } -- discard tokens / tiles on cards / decks if hoveredObject.type ~= "Tile" then for _, obj in ipairs(searchLib.onObject(hoveredObject, "isTileOrToken")) do table.insert(discardTheseObjects, obj) end end local discardForMatColor = getColorToDiscardFor(hoveredObject, playerColor) playmatApi.discardListOfObjects(discardForMatColor, discardTheseObjects) end -- discard the top card of hovered deck, calling discardObject function function discardTopDeck(playerColor, hoveredObject) -- only continue if an unlocked card or deck was hovered if hoveredObject == nil or (hoveredObject.type ~= "Card" and hoveredObject.type ~= "Deck") or hoveredObject.locked then broadcastToColor("Hover a deck/card and try again.", playerColor, "Yellow") return end if hoveredObject.type == "Deck" then takenCard = hoveredObject.takeObject({index = 0}) else takenCard = hoveredObject end Wait.frames(function() discardObject(playerColor, takenCard) end, 1) end -- helper function to get the player to trigger the discard function for function getColorToDiscardFor(hoveredObject, playerColor) local pos = hoveredObject.getPosition() local closestMatColor = playmatApi.getMatColorByPosition(pos) -- check if actually on the closest playmat local closestMat = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType(closestMatColor, "Playermat") local bounds = closestMat.getBounds() -- define the area "near" the playmat local bufferAroundPlaymat = 2 local areaNearPlaymat = {} areaNearPlaymat.minX = bounds.center.x - bounds.size.x / 2 - bufferAroundPlaymat areaNearPlaymat.maxX = bounds.center.x + bounds.size.x / 2 + bufferAroundPlaymat areaNearPlaymat.minZ = bounds.center.z - bounds.size.z / 2 - bufferAroundPlaymat areaNearPlaymat.maxZ = bounds.center.z + bounds.size.z / 2 + bufferAroundPlaymat -- discard to closest mat if near it, use triggering playmat if not local discardForMatColor if inArea(pos, areaNearPlaymat) then return closestMatColor else return playmatApi.getMatColor(playerColor) end end -- moves the hovered card to the victory display function moveCardToVictoryDisplay(_, hoveredObject) victoryDisplayApi.placeCard(hoveredObject) end -- removes a use from a card (or a token if hovered) function removeOneUse(playerColor, hoveredObject) -- only continue if an unlocked card or tile was hovered if hoveredObject == nil or (hoveredObject.type ~= "Card" and hoveredObject.type ~= "Tile") or hoveredObject.locked then broadcastToColor("Hover a token/tile or a card and try again.", playerColor, "Yellow") return end local targetObject = nil -- discard hovered token / tile if hoveredObject.type == "Tile" then targetObject = hoveredObject elseif hoveredObject.type == "Card" then -- grab the first use type from the metadata (or nil) local notes = JSON.decode(hoveredObject.getGMNotes()) or {} local usesData = notes.uses or {} local useInfo = usesData[1] or {} local searchForType = useInfo.type if searchForType then searchForType = searchForType:lower() end for _, obj in ipairs(searchLib.onObject(hoveredObject), "isTileOrToken") do if not obj.locked and obj.memo ~= "resourceCounter" then -- check for matching object, otherwise use the first hit if obj.memo == searchForType then targetObject = obj break elseif not targetObject then targetObject = obj end end end end -- error handling if not targetObject then broadcastToColor("No tokens found!", playerColor, "Yellow") return end -- handling for stacked tokens if targetObject.getQuantity() > 1 then targetObject = targetObject.takeObject() end -- feedback message local tokenName = targetObject.getName() if tokenName == "" then if targetObject.memo ~= "" then -- name handling for clue / doom if targetObject.memo == "clueDoom" then if targetObject.is_face_down then tokenName = "Doom" else tokenName = "Clue" end else tokenName = titleCase(targetObject.memo) end else tokenName = "Unknown" end end local playerName = Player[playerColor].steam_name broadcastToAll(playerName .. " removed a token: " .. tokenName, playerColor) local discardForMatColor = getColorToDiscardFor(hoveredObject, playerColor) playmatApi.discardListOfObjects(discardForMatColor, { targetObject }) end -- takes a clue from a location, player needs to hover the clue directly or the location function takeClueFromLocation(playerColor, hoveredObject) local cardName, clue if hoveredObject == nil then broadcastToColor("Hover a clue or card with clues and try again.", playerColor, "Yellow") return elseif hoveredObject.type == "Card" then cardName = hoveredObject.getName() local searchResult = searchLib.onObject(hoveredObject, "isClue") if #searchResult == 0 then broadcastToColor("This card does not have any clues on it.", playerColor, "Yellow") return else clue = searchResult[1] end elseif hoveredObject.memo == "clueDoom" then if hoveredObject.is_face_down then broadcastToColor("This is a doom token and not a clue.", playerColor, "Yellow") return end local searchResult = searchLib.belowPosition(hoveredObject.getPosition(), "isCard") if #searchResult ~= 0 then cardName = searchResult[1].getName() end else broadcastToColor("Hover a clue or card with clues and try again.", playerColor, "Yellow") return end local clickableClues = optionPanelApi.getOptions()["useClueClickers"] local playerName = Player[playerColor].steam_name local matColor = playmatApi.getMatColor(playerColor) local pos = nil if clickableClues then pos = {x = 0.49, y = 2.66, z = 0.00} playmatApi.updateCounter(matColor, "ClickableClueCounter", _, 1) else pos = playmatApi.transformLocalPosition({x = -1.12, y = 0.05, z = 0.7}, matColor) end local rot = playmatApi.returnRotation(matColor) -- check if found clue is a stack or single token if clue.getQuantity() > 1 then clue.takeObject({position = pos, rotation = rot}) else clue.setPositionSmooth(pos) clue.setRotation(rot) end if cardName then broadcastToAll(playerName .. " took one clue from " .. cardName .. ".", playerColor) else broadcastToAll(playerName .. " took one clue.", "Green") end victoryDisplayApi.update() end -- broadcasts the bless/curse status to the calling player function showBlessCurseStatus(playerColor) blessCurseManagerApi.broadcastStatus(playerColor) end -- adds Wendy's menu to the hovered card function addWendysMenu(playerColor, hoveredObject) blessCurseManagerApi.addWendysMenu(playerColor, hoveredObject) end -- Simple method to check if the given point is in a specified area ---@param point Vector Point to check, only x and z values are relevant ---@param bounds Table Defined area to see if the point is within function inArea(point, bounds) return (point.x > bounds.minX and point.x < bounds.maxX and point.z > bounds.minZ and point.z < bounds.maxZ) end -- capitalizes the first letter function titleCase(str) local first = str:sub(1, 1) local rest = str:sub(2) return first:upper() .. rest:lower() end