{ "AltLookAngle": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "AttachedSnapPoints": [ { "Position": { "x": -0.95, "y": 0.2, "z": 0 } } ], "Autoraise": true, "ColorDiffuse": { "b": 0, "g": 0, "r": 0 }, "CustomImage": { "CustomTile": { "Stackable": false, "Stretch": true, "Thickness": 0.2, "Type": 0 }, "ImageScalar": 1, "ImageSecondaryURL": "", "ImageURL": "https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2503508192913854749/B7CFE8596F3ED5BCEBD3CD59DF1CE88991AA923F/", "WidthScale": 0 }, "Description": "This tool will allow you to export a lot of mod-internal settings and the state of a campaign.\n\nInstructions:\n1) Make sure the Campaign Box is downloaded and on the table\n2) Press 'Export' to create a coin with the data or place a coin to load its data", "DragSelectable": true, "GMNotes": "", "GUID": "334ee3", "Grid": true, "GridProjection": false, "Hands": false, "HideWhenFaceDown": false, "IgnoreFoW": false, "LayoutGroupSortIndex": 0, "Locked": true, "LuaScript": "require(\"core/CampaignImporterExporter\")", "LuaScriptState": "", "MeasureMovement": false, "Name": "Custom_Tile", "Nickname": "Campaign Importer/Exporter", "Snap": true, "Sticky": true, "Tooltip": true, "Transform": { "posX": -11.74, "posY": 1.481, "posZ": 55.65, "rotX": 0, "rotY": 270, "rotZ": 0, "scaleX": 3.38, "scaleY": 1, "scaleZ": 3.38 }, "Value": 0, "XmlUI": "" }