addition of fan made accessorie options

This commit is contained in:
Chr1Z93 2022-12-17 02:49:34 +01:00
parent 83ff3eb65b
commit 7a60c318ca
7 changed files with 198 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"Lighting_path": "Lighting.json",
"LuaScript": "require(\"core/Global\")",
"LuaScriptState": "{\"optionPanel\":[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false]}",
"LuaScriptState": "{\"optionPanel\":{\"useSnapTags\":true,\"showDrawButton\":false,\"useClueClickers\":false,\"showTokenArranger\":false,\"showCleanUpHelper\":false,\"showHandHelper\":false}}",
"MusicPlayer_path": "MusicPlayer.json",
"Note": "",
"ObjectStates_order": [

View File

@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
-- Hand Helper
-- updated by: Chr1Z
-- original by: -
-- description: counts cards in your hand (all or unique), can discard a random card
information = {
version = "1.2",
last_updated = "11.10.2022"
MAT_GUIDS = { "8b081b", "bd0ff4", "383d8b", "0840d5" }
@ -69,8 +60,7 @@ function onLoad(saved_data)
-- context menu to display additional information
self.addContextMenuItem("More Information", function()
printToAll("------------------------------", "White")
printToAll("Hand Helper v" .. information["version"] .. " by Chr1Z", "Orange")
printToAll("last updated: " .. information["last_updated"], "White")
printToAll("Hand Helper by Chr1Z", "Orange")
printToAll("original by Tikatoy", "White")
printToAll("Note: 'Hidden' cards can't be randomly discarded.", "Yellow")
printToAll("Set them aside beforehand!", "Yellow")
@ -135,6 +125,11 @@ function updateValue()
self.editButton({index = 0, font_color = des and "Green" or "White", label = size})
-- allows change of color via external call
function externalColorChange(newColor)
changeColor(_, _, _, newColor)
-- get index of current color and move up one step (or down for right-click)
function changeColor(_, _, isRightClick, color)
if color then

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"":[0,11],"Auto-fail":[-100,7],"Bless":[101,8],"Cultist":[-2,4],"Curse":[-100,9],"Elder Sign":[100,2],"Elder Thing":[-4,6],"Frost":[-99,10],"Skull":[-1,3],"Tablet":[-3,5]}
{"":[0,11],"Auto-fail":[-100,7],"Bless":[101,8],"Cultist":[-2,4],"Curse":[-101,9],"Elder Sign":[100,2],"Elder Thing":[-4,6],"Frost":[-99,10],"Skull":[-1,3],"Tablet":[-3,5]}

View File

@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
-- Token Arranger
-- created by: Chr1Z
-- original by: Whimsical
-- description: displays the content of the chaos bag
information = {
version = "1.7",
last_updated = "13.11.2022"
-- names of tokens in order
local token_names = {
local TOKEN_NAMES = {
"Elder Sign",
@ -23,7 +14,7 @@ local token_names = {
-- token modifiers for sorting (and order for same modifier)
-- order starts at 2 because there is a "+1" token
local token_precedence = {
["Elder Sign"] = { 100, 2 },
["Skull"] = { -1, 3 },
["Cultist"] = { -2, 4 },
@ -54,16 +45,13 @@ inputParameters.alignment = 3
inputParameters.validation = 2 = 2
-- tag for cloned tokens
TO_DELETE_TAG = "to_be_deleted"
updating = false
function onSave() return JSON.encode(token_precedence) end
function onSave() return JSON.encode(TOKEN_PRECEDENCE) end
function onLoad(save_state)
if save_state ~= nil then
token_precedence = JSON.decode(save_state)
TOKEN_PRECEDENCE = JSON.decode(save_state)
-- create UI
@ -82,7 +70,7 @@ function onLoad(save_state)
buttonParameters.click_function = attachIndex("tokenClick", i)
inputParameters.input_function = attachIndex2("tokenInput", i)
inputParameters.value = token_precedence[token_names[i]][1]
inputParameters.value = TOKEN_PRECEDENCE[TOKEN_NAMES[i]][1]
@ -100,8 +88,7 @@ function onLoad(save_state)
self.addContextMenuItem("More Information", function()
printToAll("------------------------------", "White")
printToAll("Token Arranger v" .. information["version"] .. " by Chr1Z", "Orange")
printToAll("last updated: " .. information["last_updated"], "White")
printToAll("Token Arranger by Chr1Z", "Orange")
printToAll("original concept by Whimsical", "White")
@ -138,11 +125,11 @@ function tokenClick(obj, player_color, alt_click, index)
if not updating then
updating = true
if alt_click then
token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] = token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] - 1
token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] = token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] + 1
self.editInput({ index = index - 1, value = token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] })
self.editInput({ index = index - 1, value = TOKEN_PRECEDENCE[TOKEN_NAMES[index]][1] })
@ -153,7 +140,7 @@ function tokenInput(obj, player_color, input, selected, index)
updating = true
local num = tonumber(input)
if num ~= nil then
token_precedence[token_names[index]][1] = num
@ -197,7 +184,7 @@ end
-- main function (delete old tokens, clone chaos bag content, sort it and position it)
function layout(_, _, isRightClick)
-- delete previously pulled out tokens
for _, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag(TO_DELETE_TAG)) do token.destruct() end
for _, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag("to_be_deleted")) do token.destruct() end
-- stop here if right-clicked
if isRightClick then return end
@ -212,14 +199,14 @@ function layout(_, _, isRightClick)
smooth = false,
callback_function = function(tok)
-- wait until all tokens have finished spawning
Wait.condition(function() do_position() end,
function() return #chaos_bag_objects == #getObjectsWithTag(TO_DELETE_TAG) end)
function() return #chaos_bag_objects == #getObjectsWithTag("to_be_deleted") end)
-- position tokens sorted by value
@ -227,10 +214,10 @@ function do_position()
local data = {}
-- create table with tokens
for i, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag(TO_DELETE_TAG)) do
for i, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag("to_be_deleted")) do
local name = token.getName() or ""
local value = tonumber(name)
local precedence = token_precedence[name]
local precedence = TOKEN_PRECEDENCE[name]
data[i] = {
token = token,

View File

@ -634,52 +634,6 @@ function onClick_load()
function onClick_defaultSettings()
print("Dummy: Load default settings")
function onClick_toggleOption(_, id)
local state = self.UI.getAttribute("toggle" .. id, "isOn")
-- flip state (and handle stupid "False" value)
if state == "False" then
state = true
state = false
self.UI.setAttribute("toggle" .. id, "isOn", state)
id = tonumber(id)
optionPanel[id] = state
applyOptionPanelChange(id, state)
-- sets the option panel to the correct state (corresponding to 'optionPanel')
function updateOptionPanelState()
for id, enabled in pairs(optionPanel) do
if enabled then self.UI.setAttribute("toggle" .. id, "isOn", true) end
function applyOptionPanelChange(id, state)
-- option 1: Snap tags
if id == 1 then
playmatAPI.setLimitSnapsByType(state, "All")
-- option 2: Draw 1 button
elseif id == 2 then
playmatAPI.showDrawButton(state, "All")
-- option 3: Clickable clue counters
elseif id == 3 then
playmatAPI.clickableClues(state, "All")
-- update master clue counter
getObjectFromGUID("4a3aa4").setVar("useClickableCounters", state)
function onClick_toggleUi(_, title)
@ -825,3 +779,146 @@ function urldecode(str)
function (h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end)
return str
-- Option Panel related functionality
-- loads the default options
function onClick_defaultSettings()
print("Dummy: Load default settings")
-- called by toggling an option
function onClick_toggleOption(_, id)
local state = self.UI.getAttribute(id, "isOn")
-- flip state (and handle stupid "False" value)
if state == "False" then
state = true
state = false
self.UI.setAttribute(id, "isOn", state)
optionPanel[id] = state
applyOptionPanelChange(id, state)
-- sets the option panel to the correct state (corresponding to 'optionPanel')
function updateOptionPanelState()
for id, enabled in pairs(optionPanel) do
if enabled then
self.UI.setAttribute(id, "isOn", true)
-- handles the applying of option selections and calls the respective functions based
---@param id String ID of the option that was selected or deselected
---@param state Boolean State of the option (true = enabled)
function applyOptionPanelChange(id, state)
-- option: Snap tags
if id == "useSnapTags" then
playmatAPI.setLimitSnapsByType(state, "All")
-- option: Draw 1 button
elseif id == "showDrawButton" then
playmatAPI.showDrawButton(state, "All")
-- option: Clickable clue counters
elseif id == "useClueClickers" then
playmatAPI.clickableClues(state, "All")
-- update master clue counter
getObjectFromGUID("4a3aa4").setVar("useClickableCounters", state)
-- option: Show token arranger
elseif id == "showTokenArranger" then
-- delete previously pulled out tokens
for _, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag("to_be_deleted")) do token.destruct() end
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Token Arranger", {-42.3, 1.4, -46.5})
-- option: Show clean up helper
elseif id == "showCleanUpHelper" then
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Clean Up Helper", {-68, 1.6, 35.5})
-- option: Show hand helper for each player
elseif id == "showHandHelper" then
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Hand Helper", {-50.84, 1.6, 7.02}, {0, 270, 0}, "White")
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Hand Helper", {-50.90, 1.6, -25.10}, {0, 270, 0}, "Orange")
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Hand Helper", {-34.38, 1.6, 22.44}, {0, 000, 0}, "Green")
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Hand Helper", {-16.69, 1.6, -22.42}, {0, 180, 0}, "Red")
-- option: Show chaos bag manager
elseif id == "showChaosBagManager" then
spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, "Chaos Bag Manager", {-67.8, 1.4, -49.5})
-- handler for spawn / remove functions of helper objects
---@param state Boolean Contains the state of the option: true = spawn it, false = remove it
---@param name String Name of the helper object
---@param position Vector Position of the object (where it will spawn or where it will be removed from)
---@param rotation Vector Rotation of the object for spawning (default: {0, 270, 0})
---@param color Color This is only needed for correctly setting the color of the "Hand Helper"
function spawnOrRemoveHelper(state, name, position, rotation, color)
if state then
spawnHelperObject(name, position, rotation, color)
removeHelperObject(name, position)
-- copies the specified tool (by name) from the barrel
---@param name String Name of the object that should be copied
---@param position Position Desired position of the object
function spawnHelperObject(name, position, rotation, color)
if rotation == nil then rotation = {0, 270, 0} end
local barrel = getObjectFromGUID("aa8b38")
local barrelCopy = barrel.clone({position = barrel.getPosition() + Vector(0, 3, 0)})
for _, obj in ipairs(barrel.getObjects()) do
if == name then
index = obj.index,
position = position,
rotation = rotation,
callback_function = function(object)
if name == "Hand Helper" then
Wait.time(function()"externalColorChange", color) end, 1)
smooth = false
-- removes the specified tool (by name) from the provided position
---@param name String Name of the object that should be removed
---@param position Position Position of the object
function removeHelperObject(name, position)
local search = Physics.cast({
direction = { 0, 1, 0 },
max_distance = 1,
type = 3,
size = {1, 1, 1},
origin = position,
orientation = { 0, 270, 0 }
for _, obj in ipairs(search) do
obj = obj.hit_object
if obj.getName() == name then

View File

@ -174,9 +174,7 @@ end
function doReset(color)
-- delete previously pulled out tokens by the token arranger
if tokenArranger then
for _, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag(tokenArranger.getVar("TO_DELETE_TAG"))) do
for _, token in ipairs("to_be_deleted") do token.destruct() end
playerColor = color

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
<Text color="white" alignment="MiddleLeft"/>
<Toggle isOn="False" rectAlignment="MiddleRight"/>
<VerticalLayout class="window" active="false" color="black" visibility="Admin" outlineSize="1 1" outline="grey" allowDragging="true" returnToOriginalPositionWhenReleased="false" width="500" height="800"/>
<VerticalLayout class="group" outlineSize="1 1" outline="grey" color="#222222" padding="10" spacing="5"/>
<VerticalLayout class="text-column" padding="5 20 0 0"/>
<VerticalLayout class="window" visibility="Admin" active="false" color="black" width="500" height="700" outlineSize="1 1" outline="grey" showAnimation="SlideIn_Right" hideAnimation="SlideOut_Right" animationDuration="0.1"/>
<VerticalLayout class="group" visibility="Admin" outlineSize="1 1" outline="grey" color="#222222" padding="10" spacing="5"/>
<VerticalLayout class="text-column" visibility="Admin" padding="5 20 0 0"/>
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content" color="#444444" padding="5" spacing="5"/>
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content" visibility="Admin" color="#444444" padding="5" spacing="5"/>
<Text class="group-header" fontSize="24" font="font_teutonic-arkham"/>
<Text class="option-header" fontSize="16" font="font_teutonic-arkham"/>
<Text class="option-header" fontSize="18" font="font_teutonic-arkham"/>
<Text class="description" fontSize="12"/>
<Button class="bottomButtons" hoverClass="hover" pressClass="press" selectClass="select" color="#888888" minHeight="35" fontSize="24" font="font_teutonic-arkham"/>
@ -20,99 +20,84 @@
<!-- Option Panel -->
<VerticalLayout id="optionPanel" class="window">
<VerticalLayout id="optionPanel" class="window" rectAlignment="LowerRight" offsetXY="-50 60">
<Panel minHeight="45" flexibleHeight="0" padding="10 10 0 0">
<Text font="font_teutonic-arkham" fontSize="35">Options</Text>
<!-- Group 1 -->
<!-- Group: playermat settings -->
<VerticalLayout class="group">
<Panel minHeight="44" image="option_image1" padding="5 0 0 0">
<Text class="group-header">PLAYERMAT SETTINGS</Text>
<!-- Option 1 -->
<!-- Option: enable snap tags -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Enable snap tags</Text>
<Text class="description">Only cards with the tag "Asset" will snap (official cards are supported by default).&#xA;Disable this if you are having issues with custom content.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle1" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(1)" />
<Toggle id="useSnapTags" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(useSnapTags)" />
<!-- Option 2 -->
<!-- Option: show draw 1 button -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Show "Draw 1" button</Text>
<Text class="description">Displays a button below the "Upkeep" button that draws a card from your deck. Useful for multi-handed solo play.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle2" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(2)"/>
<Toggle id="showDrawButton" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(showDrawButton)"/>
<!-- Option 3 -->
<!-- Option: use clickable clue-counters -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Use clickable clue-counters</Text>
<Text class="description">Instead of automatically counting clues in the respective area on your playermat, this displays a clickable counter for clues.&#xA;Take note of each player's clue count before changing this option!</Text>
<Text class="description">Instead of automatically counting clues in the respective area on your playermat, this displays a clickable counter for clues.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle3" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(3)"/>
<Toggle id="useClueClickers" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(useClueClickers)"/>
<!-- Group 2 -->
<!-- Group: fan-made accessories -->
<VerticalLayout class="group">
<Panel minHeight="44" image="option_image2" padding="5 0 0 0">
<Text class="group-header">FAN-MADE ACCESSORIES</Text>
<!-- Option 4 -->
<!-- Option: show token arranger -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Toggle Text 4</Text>
<Text class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat...</Text>
<Text class="option-header">Show "Token Arranger"</Text>
<Text class="description">See the contents of the chaos bag at a glance! This tool displays a sorted table of the tokens to allow easier guessing of your odds.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle4" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(4)"/>
<Toggle id="showTokenArranger" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(showTokenArranger)"/>
<!-- Option 5 -->
<!-- Option: show clean up helper -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Toggle Text 5</Text>
<Text class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat...</Text>
<Text class="option-header">Show "Clean Up Helper"</Text>
<Text class="description">Useful for campaign-play: It resets play areas to allow continuous gameplay in the same savegame.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle5" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(5)"/>
<Toggle id="showCleanUpHelper" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(showCleanUpHelper)"/>
<!-- Option 6 -->
<!-- Option: show hand helper -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Toggle Text 6</Text>
<Text class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat...</Text>
<Text class="option-header">Show "Hand Helper"</Text>
<Text class="description">Never count your hand cards again! This tool does that for you and can even take "Dream-Enhancing Serum" into account. Also includes a button for randomly discard a card.</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle6" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(6)"/>
<!-- Group 3 -->
<VerticalLayout class="group">
<Panel minHeight="30">
<Text class="group-header">Group 3</Text>
<!-- Option 7 -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Toggle Text 7</Text>
<Text class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat...</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle7" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(7)"/>
<Toggle id="showHandHelper" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(showHandHelper)"/>
<!-- Option 8 -->
<!-- Option: show chaos bag manager -->
<HorizontalLayout class="group-content">
<VerticalLayout class="text-column">
<Text class="option-header">Toggle Text 8</Text>
<Text class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat...</Text>
<Text class="option-header">Show "Chaos Bag Manager"</Text>
<Text class="description">Panel for easy addition or removal of chaos tokens to the bag - very useful for EotE because of Frost tokens!</Text>
<Toggle id="toggle8" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(8)"/>
<Toggle id="showChaosBagManager" onValueChanged="onClick_toggleOption(showChaosBagManager)"/>