"Description":"Thanks for downloading Arkham SCE 3.9.0!\n\n- Added confirmation dialog for discard hotkey (e.g. for locations)\r\n- Added new action / ability tokens\r\n- Added automated discarding for Patrice\r\n- Added new option to enable all card helpers\r\n- Added new option to load class-specific playermats\r",
"Description":"\n- Performed a small clean up of the bottom corners of the table\r\n- Updated 'Additional Cards Bag' / 'Player Card Panel' with better handling for fan-made cards\r\n- Updated Clean Up Helper, Drawing Tool, Hand Helper and Search Assistant\r\n- Updated Token Arranger",
"Description":"\n- Implemented menu to redraw tokens for specific cards like Heavy Furs and Wendy Adams\r\n- Bugfix for attempting to draw an encounter card while there is no deck\r\n- Bugfix for Navigation Overlay: now checks if playmat is occupied\r\n- Bugfix for Phase Tracker broadcasting\r\n- Performance improvements",