2022-12-07 07:02:09 -05:00
<!-- Default formatting -->
<Defaults >
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<Text color= "#FFFFFF" alignment= "MiddleLeft" />
2022-12-08 06:01:10 -05:00
<Toggle isOn= "False" rectAlignment= "MiddleRight" />
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<Cell dontUseTableCellBackground= "true" outlineSize= "0 1" outline= "grey" />
2022-12-07 07:02:09 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- main window -->
<TableLayout class= "window" width= "500" height= "700" active= "false" color= "#000000" outlineSize= "2 2" outline= "grey" showAnimation= "SlideIn_Right" hideAnimation= "SlideOut_Right" animationDuration= "0.1" />
2022-12-07 07:02:09 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- group headers -->
<Row class= "group-header" preferredHeight= "60" />
<Cell class= "group-header" columnSpan= "2" color= "#222222" />
<Panel class= "group-header" padding= "5 0 0 0" />
<Text class= "group-header" fontSize= "28" font= "font_teutonic-arkham" />
2022-12-07 07:02:09 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- options -->
<Row class= "option-text" preferredHeight= "85" />
<Cell class= "option-text" color= "#333333" />
<Cell class= "option-button" color= "#333333" />
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" padding= "10 0 0 0" spacing= "5" />
<Text class= "option-header" fontSize= "20" font= "font_teutonic-arkham" />
2022-12-08 06:01:10 -05:00
<Text class= "description" fontSize= "12" />
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- buttons at the bottom -->
2022-12-08 06:01:10 -05:00
<Button class= "bottomButtons" hoverClass= "hover" pressClass= "press" selectClass= "select" color= "#888888" minHeight= "35" fontSize= "24" font= "font_teutonic-arkham" />
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
<Button class= "hover" color= "grey" />
<Button class= "press" color= "white" />
<Button class= "select" color= "white" />
2022-12-07 07:02:09 -05:00
<!-- Option Panel -->
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<TableLayout id= "optionPanel" class= "window" active= "false" rectAlignment= "LowerRight" offsetXY= "-50 60" >
<!-- Header: Options -->
<Row preferredHeight= "60" >
<Cell >
<Panel padding= "10 0 0 0" >
<Text font= "font_teutonic-arkham" fontSize= "35" > Options</Text>
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Scrollable part with options -->
<Row >
<Cell >
<VerticalScrollView >
<TableLayout columnWidths= "0 75" autoCalculateHeight= "1" cellPadding= "10 0 8 8" >
<!-- Group: playermat settings -->
<Row class= "group-header" >
<Cell class= "group-header" >
<Panel class= "group-header" image= "option_header1" >
<Text class= "group-header" > PLAYERMAT SETTINGS</Text>
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Option: enable snap tags -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Enable snap tags</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Only cards with the tag "Asset" will snap (official cards are supported by default).
 Disable this if you are having issues with custom content.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "useSnapTags" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(useSnapTags)" />
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Option: show draw 1 button -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Draw 1" button</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Displays a button below the "Upkeep" button that draws a card from your deck. Useful for multi-handed solo play.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showDrawButton" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showDrawButton)" />
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Option: use clickable clue - counters -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Use clickable clue-counters</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Instead of automatically counting clues in the respective area on your playermat, this displays a clickable counter for clues.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "useClueClickers" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(useClueClickers)" />
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Group: fan - made accessories -->
<Row class= "group-header" >
<Cell class= "group-header" >
<Panel class= "group-header" image= "option_header2" >
<Text class= "group-header" > FAN-MADE ACCESSORIES</Text>
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Option: show token arranger -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Token Arranger"</Text>
<Text class= "description" > See the contents of the chaos bag at a glance! This tool displays a sorted table of the tokens to allow easier guessing of your odds.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showTokenArranger" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showTokenArranger)" />
<!-- Option: show clean up helper -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Clean Up Helper"</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Useful for campaign-play: It resets play areas to allow continuous gameplay in the same savegame.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showCleanUpHelper" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showCleanUpHelper)" />
<!-- Option: show hand helper -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Hand Helper"</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Never count your hand cards again! This tool does that for you and can even take "Dream-Enhancing Serum" into account. Also includes a button for randomly discard a card.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showHandHelper" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showHandHelper)" />
<!-- Option: show chaos bag manager -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Chaos Bag Manager"</Text>
<Text class= "description" > Panel for easy addition or removal of chaos tokens to the bag - very useful for EotE because of Frost tokens!</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showChaosBagManager" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showChaosBagManager)" />
<!-- Option: show navigation overlay -->
<Row class= "option-text" >
<Cell class= "option-text" >
<VerticalLayout class= "text-column" >
<Text class= "option-header" > Show "Navigation Overlay"</Text>
<Text class= "description" > This enables an overlay for quickly navigating to various points on the table.</Text>
<Cell class= "option-button" >
<Toggle id= "showNavigationOverlay" onValueChanged= "onClick_toggleOption(showNavigationOverlay)" />
2022-12-07 10:40:55 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00
<!-- Buttons: Defaults and Close -->
<Row preferredHeight= "50" >
<Cell >
<HorizontalLayout minHeight= "50" flexibleHeight= "0" padding= "5" spacing= "5" >
<Button class= "bottomButtons" onClick= "onClick_defaultSettings" > Load defaults</Button>
<Button class= "bottomButtons" onClick= "onClick_toggleUi(Hidden)" > Close</Button>
2022-12-08 06:01:10 -05:00
2022-12-20 09:27:47 -05:00