"body":"Created by Whimsical\n\nAnything that passes over the remover that isn't a card, deck or chaos token will be deleted.\r\nTo use the remover, right click on it, choose the \"Enable\" option, and take your card with resources/horror/damage and swipe it over the remover. You may wish to unlock and/or copy the remover to your play area first.",
"body":"By Whimsical. Requires Numlock set to On.\nNumpad 1: Cut top 3 cards of deck\nNumpad 2: Cut top 6 cards of deck\nNumpad 3: Cut top 9 cards of deck\nNumpad 4: Spawn Damage\nNumpad 5: Spawn Connection Marker\nNumpad 6: Spawn Horror\nNumpad 7: Spawn Doom\nNumpad 8: Spawn Clue\nNumpad 9: Spawn Resource\nNumpad 0: Draw lines between selected objects. Hold to draw lines from mouseover object to other selected objects.",
"title":"Numpad Hotkeys",
"body":"The server host can enable or disable cards in hands being hidden from other players by going to the menu at the top of the TTS screen, clicking options, and choosing Hands. The \"Disable\" setting reveals all player hands to all players, while the \"Default\" setting means that each player can only see the cards in their own hand.",
"body":"Implemented by Tikatoy\nIdea conceived by Cadentia\n\nVersion 3.3\n\nTop buttons manage bless tokens, bottom buttons manage curse tokens\nADD - creates a new token and adds it to the chaos bag\nREMOVE - removes a token from the chaos bag and destroys it\nTAKE - takes a token from the chaos bag and places it below the manager (for sealing)\nRETURN - returns the last token taken from the chaos bag to the chaos bag\n\nTo use Parallel Wendy, go to Options -\u003e Game Keys, then bind a key or mouse button to Wendy's Menu. Hover over any card (won't work on decks) then press the bound key. Right-click seal/release options will be added to the card.\n\n---Other Notes---\n\nOnly use ONE token manager at a time\nTokens are limited to 10 of each type in play\nBless and curse tokens should be in the chaos bag before trying to REMOVE or TAKE them\nEach action logs a message which ends with (# in bag/# taken); hit enter to view log\n**WARNING**: Tracking # of tokens in bag and in play will NOT persist between saves\n\r",