#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys def write_pen_values(values, char): return "!v64" + char + "".join(["{:04d}".format(value) for value in values]) def pre_content(filename, power=50, speed=50, rate=2500): jobName = os.path.basename(filename)[:80] # Start outString = "@PJL JOB NAME={}\r\n".format(jobName) outString += "E@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\r\n%-12345X" # Reset outString += "E" # Unit outString += "&u254D" # Cursor outString += "*p100X" outString += "*p100Y" # Set filename outString += "!m{:d}N".format(len(jobName)) + jobName # Set raster power+velocity. Only affects raster. Shows in display before start outString += "!r{:d}I".format(speed * 10) outString += "!r{:d}P".format(power * 10); # Select first (and only) pen (commented out in original source) # outString += "!v1D" # outString += "!m2A" # might cause autofocus? # Use same value for all 16 pens # doesn't seem to affect vector settings outString += write_pen_values([speed * 10] * 16, 'V') # Velocity, 1000=100% outString += write_pen_values([power * 10] * 16, 'P') # Power, 1000=100% outString += write_pen_values([rate] * 16, 'I') # PPI outString += "%1B" return outString def post_content(): outString = "%1A" # Leave HPGL vector mode outString += "E" # Reset outString += "%-12345X@PJL EOJ \r\n" # End return outString def main(infile, outfile, power=50, speed=50, rate=100): with open(infile, 'r') as f: data = f.read() with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(pre_content(outfile, int(power), int(speed), int(rate))) f.write(data) f.write(post_content()) if __name__ == '__main__': print(sys.argv) main(*sys.argv[1:])