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2016-01-28 11:33:19 -05:00

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3.2 KiB

/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2014-2016. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#pragma once
#include "ImageBase.h"
#include "BinaryImage.h"
#include "Threshold.h"
class ColorImage : public ImageBase {
ColorImage(ImageType type);
virtual ~ColorImage() = default;
BinaryImage *ThresholdRGB(int redLow, int redHigh, int greenLow,
int greenHigh, int blueLow, int blueHigh);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSL(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow,
int saturationHigh, int luminenceLow,
int luminenceHigh);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSV(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow,
int saturationHigh, int valueHigh, int valueLow);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSI(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow,
int saturationHigh, int intensityLow,
int intensityHigh);
BinaryImage *ThresholdRGB(Threshold &threshold);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSL(Threshold &threshold);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSV(Threshold &threshold);
BinaryImage *ThresholdHSI(Threshold &threshold);
MonoImage *GetRedPlane();
MonoImage *GetGreenPlane();
MonoImage *GetBluePlane();
MonoImage *GetHSLHuePlane();
MonoImage *GetHSVHuePlane();
MonoImage *GetHSIHuePlane();
MonoImage *GetHSLSaturationPlane();
MonoImage *GetHSVSaturationPlane();
MonoImage *GetHSISaturationPlane();
MonoImage *GetLuminancePlane();
MonoImage *GetValuePlane();
MonoImage *GetIntensityPlane();
void ReplaceRedPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceGreenPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceBluePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSLHuePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSVHuePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSIHuePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSLSaturationPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSVSaturationPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceHSISaturationPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceLuminancePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceValuePlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceIntensityPlane(MonoImage *plane);
void ColorEqualize();
void LuminanceEqualize();
BinaryImage *ComputeThreshold(ColorMode colorMode, int low1, int high1,
int low2, int high2, int low3, int high3);
void Equalize(bool allPlanes);
MonoImage *ExtractColorPlane(ColorMode mode, int planeNumber);
MonoImage *ExtractFirstColorPlane(ColorMode mode);
MonoImage *ExtractSecondColorPlane(ColorMode mode);
MonoImage *ExtractThirdColorPlane(ColorMode mode);
void ReplacePlane(ColorMode mode, MonoImage *plane, int planeNumber);
void ReplaceFirstColorPlane(ColorMode mode, MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceSecondColorPlane(ColorMode mode, MonoImage *plane);
void ReplaceThirdColorPlane(ColorMode mode, MonoImage *plane);