/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.                        */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

#pragma once

#include "Base.h"
#include "Task.h"

class DriverStation;

#define START_ROBOT_CLASS(_ClassName_)                                       \
  int main() {                                                               \
    if (!HALInitialize()) {                                                  \
      std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: HAL could not be initialized" << std::endl; \
      return -1;                                                             \
    }                                                                        \
    HALReport(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Language,                     \
              HALUsageReporting::kLanguage_CPlusPlus);                       \
    _ClassName_ *robot = new _ClassName_();                                  \
    RobotBase::robotSetup(robot);                                            \
    return 0;                                                                \

 * Implement a Robot Program framework.
 * The RobotBase class is intended to be subclassed by a user creating a robot
 * program.
 * Overridden Autonomous() and OperatorControl() methods are called at the
 * appropriate time
 * as the match proceeds. In the current implementation, the Autonomous code
 * will run to
 * completion before the OperatorControl code could start. In the future the
 * Autonomous code
 * might be spawned as a task, then killed at the end of the Autonomous period.
class RobotBase {
  friend class RobotDeleter;

  static RobotBase &getInstance();
  static void setInstance(RobotBase *robot);

  bool IsEnabled() const;
  bool IsDisabled() const;
  bool IsAutonomous() const;
  bool IsOperatorControl() const;
  bool IsTest() const;
  bool IsNewDataAvailable() const;
  static void startRobotTask(FUNCPTR factory);
  static void robotTask(FUNCPTR factory, Task *task);
  virtual void StartCompetition() = 0;

  static void robotSetup(RobotBase *robot);

  virtual ~RobotBase();

  RobotBase(const RobotBase&) = delete;
  RobotBase& operator=(const RobotBase&) = delete;

  Task *m_task = nullptr;
  DriverStation &m_ds;

  static RobotBase *m_instance;