#include "WPILib.h" #include "Shooter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef BUTTON_LAYOUT #define BUTTON_LAYOUT #define TRIGGER 1 // Trigger button number #define THUMB 2 // Thumb button number #define RAMP_RAISE 5 // Button 3 for Raising Ramp #define RAMP_LOWER 3 // Button 4 to lower ramp. #define UNJAM 11 #define GIM_UP 7 #define GIM_DOWN 9 #define GIM_ZERO 10 #define GIM_SHOOT 8 #define GIMB_DEFAULT 768 //Default position of the gimble (*1000) #define GIMB_DELTA 2 //Amount to increment by #define ARMS_SCALE 0.75 #define DEADZONE_RADIUS 0.05 // Deadzone Radius prevents tiny twitches in the joystick's value from // affecting the robot. Use this for cleaning up drive train and shooter. // Also used for detecting changes in an axis' value. #define TURN_FACTOR 1.5 // Left(x,y) = y*(1 + TF*x) : x < 0 // = y : x >= 0 // Right(x,y) = y : x < 0 // = y*(1 - TF*x) : x >= 0 #endif // BUTTON_LAYOUT #ifndef LOG #define LOG(X) logA << X; logB << X; logC << X //for writing data to the csv file #endif class Robot: public IterativeRobot { private: TalonSRX left_drive, right_drive; CANTalon shooter1, shooter2, ramp, arms; RobotDrive drive; Shooter shooter; Joystick driver_stick, operator_stick; Timer auto_clock; Servo gimbs; int gimba; // angle of the gimble as a value of from 0 to 1000 // instance variables bool pickupRunning; // don't want to spam the Talon with set messages. Toggle the pickup when a button is pressed or released. bool inverting; bool ramping; bool shooting; bool unjamming; bool arming; bool arcade; float shooter_power; enum auto_states { START, DRIVING_FORWARD, STOP }; auto_states auto_status; LiveWindow *lw = LiveWindow::GetInstance(); SendableChooser *chooser; const std::string autoNameDefault = "1.7 Seconds (Slightly Longer)"; const std::string autoNameShort = "1.5 Seconds (Short, good on the moat)"; const std::string autoNameOne = "1 Seconds"; const std::string autoNameDisable = "Disable Autonomous (set time to 0)"; std::string autoSelected; void LogCSVData() { static PowerDistributionPanel pdp; // preparing to read from the pdp static std::vector motors; static std::ofstream logA, logB, logC; timeval tm; SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("log A", logA.is_open()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("log B", logB.is_open()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("log C", logC.is_open()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Ramp Limit F", !ramp.IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Ramp Limit R", !ramp.IsRevLimitSwitchClosed()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Arms Limit F", !arms.IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed()); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Arms Limit R", !arms.IsRevLimitSwitchClosed()); SmartDashboard::PutNumber("angle of camera", gimba); if (!logA.is_open() && !logB.is_open() && !logC.is_open()) { std::fstream logNumFile; int logNum; logNumFile.open("/home/lvuser/logNum"); logNumFile >> logNum; logNum++; logNumFile.seekp(0); logNumFile << logNum; // writing to /home/lvuser/logs/[unixtime].log logA.open("/media/sda1/logs/log" + std::to_string(logNum) + ".csv"); std::cerr << (logA.is_open() ? "Opened" : "Failed to open") << "log A." << std::endl; logB.open("/media/sdb1/logs/log" + std::to_string(logNum) + ".csv"); std::cerr << (logB.is_open() ? "Opened" : "Failed to open") << "log B." << std::endl; logC.open("/home/lvuser/logs/log" + std::to_string(logNum) + ".csv"); std::cerr << (logC.is_open() ? "Opened" : "Failed to open") << "log C." << std::endl; LOG("Time\tpdpInput voltage\tpdpTemperature\tpdpTotal Current\t"); for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) { LOG("pdpChannel " << ii << " current\t"); } LOG("tlaunch_spinny Bus Voltage\ttlaunch_spinny Output Current\ttlaunch_spinny Output Voltage\ttlaunch_spinny Temperature"); motors.push_back(&ramp); LOG("\tShooter1 Bus Voltage\tShooter1 Output Current\tShooter1 Output Voltage\tShooter1 Temperature"); motors.push_back(&shooter1); LOG("\tShooter2 Bus Voltage\tShooter2 Output Current\tShooter2 Output Voltage\tShooter2 Temperature"); motors.push_back(&shooter2); LOG("\tJoystick X\tJoystick Y\tJoystick Twist"); LOG("\tAlliance\tLocation\tMatch Time\tFMS Attached\tBrowned Out"); LOG("\tTestStage"); LOG(std::endl); } gettimeofday(&tm, NULL); LOG(time(0) << '.' << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << tm.tv_usec/1000); // Some general information LOG("\t" << pdp.GetVoltage()); LOG("\t" << pdp.GetTemperature()); LOG("\t" << pdp.GetTotalCurrent()); // current on each channel for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) { LOG("\t" << pdp.GetCurrent(ii)); } //Talon Data for(int ii = 0; ii < motors.size(); ii++) { LOG("\t" << motors[ii]->GetBusVoltage()); LOG("\t" << motors[ii]->GetOutputVoltage()); LOG("\t" << motors[ii]->GetOutputCurrent()); LOG("\t" << motors[ii]->GetTemperature()); } //control data LOG("\t" << driver_stick.GetX()); LOG("\t" << driver_stick.GetY()); LOG("\t" << driver_stick.GetTwist()); //DriverStation Data LOG("\t" << DriverStation::GetInstance().GetAlliance()); LOG("\t" << DriverStation::GetInstance().GetLocation()); LOG("\t" << DriverStation::GetInstance().GetMatchTime()); LOG("\t" << DriverStation::GetInstance().IsFMSAttached()); LOG("\t" << DriverStation::GetInstance().IsSysBrownedOut()); LOG(std::endl); } /** * Takes the gross raw throttle input from joystick and returns a * value between 0.0-1.0 (no negative values) */ float SaneThrottle(float rawThrottle) { return ((1.0 - rawThrottle) / 2.0); } void UpdateDrive() { float x = -driver_stick.GetX(); float y = -driver_stick.GetY(); if (x > 0) { float right = y * SaneThrottle(driver_stick.GetThrottle()); float left = (1-x)*y * SaneThrottle(driver_stick.GetThrottle()); drive.TankDrive(left, right); } else { float left = y * SaneThrottle(driver_stick.GetThrottle()); float right = (1+x)*y * SaneThrottle(driver_stick.GetThrottle()); drive.TankDrive(left, right); } } public: Robot(): left_drive(0), // Left DriveTrain Talons plug into PWM channel 1 with a Y-splitter right_drive(1), // Right DriveTrain Talons plug // left wheel 2 shooter1(11), // shooter drive 1 shooter2(10), // shooter drive 2 ramp(12), arms(13), drive(&left_drive, &right_drive), shooter( // initialize Shooter object. &shooter1, &shooter2, &ramp), driver_stick(0), // right stick (operator) operator_stick(1), // left stick (driver) gimbs(3), gimba(GIMB_DEFAULT) { } void RobotInit() { chooser = new SendableChooser(); chooser->AddDefault(autoNameDefault, (void*)&autoNameDefault); chooser->AddObject(autoNameShort, (void*)&autoNameShort); chooser->AddObject(autoNameOne, (void*)&autoNameOne); chooser->AddObject(autoNameDisable, (void*)&autoNameDisable); SmartDashboard::PutData("Auto Modes", chooser); shooter1.Enable(); shooter2.Enable(); left_drive.SetInverted(true); right_drive.SetInverted(true); //ramp.SetInverted(true); inverting = false; pickupRunning = false; ramping = false; shooting = false; unjamming = false; arming = false; shooter_power = 0; arcade = false; // Initialize the number so we can get it later SmartDashboard::PutNumber("shooting angle", GIMB_DEFAULT); } void AutonomousInit() { autoSelected = *((std::string*)chooser->GetSelected()); //std::string autoSelected = SmartDashboard::GetString("Auto Selector", autoNameDefault); std::cout << "Auto selected: " << autoSelected << std::endl; auto_status = START; } void AutonomousPeriodic() { const float drivePower = 1; float driveTime = 1.7; LogCSVData(); if (autoSelected == autoNameDisable) driveTime = 0; else if (autoSelected == autoNameShort) driveTime = 1.5; else if (autoSelected == autoNameOne) driveTime = 1; else driveTime = 1.7; //Default Auto goes here switch (auto_status) { case START: { auto_clock.Start(); auto_status = DRIVING_FORWARD; break; } case DRIVING_FORWARD: { if (auto_clock.Get() > driveTime) { drive.TankDrive(0.0, 0.0); auto_status = STOP; } else { drive.TankDrive(drivePower, drivePower); } break; } case STOP: { std::cout << "All done!\n" ; break; } } gimbs.Set(gimba/1000.0); } void TeleopInit() { } void TeleopPeriodic() { LogCSVData(); std::cout << "arm encoder position: " << arms.GetEncPosition() << std::endl; std::cout << "arm encoder velocity: " << arms.GetEncVel() << std::endl; if(driver_stick.GetRawButton(7)) { arcade = true; } if(driver_stick.GetRawButton(8)) { arcade = false; } if (arcade) { drive.ArcadeDrive(driver_stick); } else { if (driver_stick.GetRawButton(THUMB)) { float left = driver_stick.GetTwist(); float right = -driver_stick.GetTwist(); drive.TankDrive(left, right); } else { UpdateDrive(); } } //bool rampDoing = false; // This is shit code for testing. Replace it with real code. if(!ramping && operator_stick.GetRawButton(RAMP_RAISE)) { std::cout << "Raising Ramp."; //ramp.Set(1); shooter.RaiseRamp(); ramping =true; } else if(!ramping && operator_stick.GetRawButton(RAMP_LOWER)) { std::cout << "Lowering Ramp."; //ramp.Set(-1); shooter.LowerRamp(); ramping = true; } /*else if(!ramping && operator_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER)) { shooter.BoostRamp(); ramping = true; }*/ else if(ramping && !operator_stick.GetRawButton(RAMP_RAISE) && !operator_stick.GetRawButton(RAMP_LOWER)) { shooter.StopRamp(); ramping = false; } if(!unjamming && operator_stick.GetRawButton(UNJAM)) { unjamming = true; shooter.Unjam(); } else if(!unjamming && operator_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER)) { shooter.ShootLow(); unjamming = true; } else if(unjamming && !operator_stick.GetRawButton(UNJAM) && !operator_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER)) { shooter.PickUp(false); unjamming = false; } /* * This is for controlling the gimbal. */ if(operator_stick.GetRawButton(GIM_UP)) { gimba += GIMB_DELTA; } else if(operator_stick.GetRawButton(GIM_DOWN)){ gimba -= GIMB_DELTA; } else if(operator_stick.GetRawButton(GIM_SHOOT)) { gimba = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("shooting angle", GIMB_DEFAULT); } gimbs.Set(gimba/1000.0); /* * Run the Shooter only while the THUMB button is held down on the operator stick. * the 'pickupRunning' boolean is there to prevent the shooter from calling PickUp * every iteration of the TeleopPeriodic method (once every 10ms!) * The pickup is disabled when the thumb button is released, but the code still * has 'pickupRunning' as true. */ if(operator_stick.GetRawButton(THUMB) && !pickupRunning) { shooter.PickUp(); pickupRunning = true; } else if(!operator_stick.GetRawButton(THUMB) && pickupRunning) { shooter.PickUp(false); pickupRunning = false; } /* * The 'inverting' variable is used to make sure that the drive train isn't getting * inverted every iteration of the TeleopPeriodic method while the button is held down. * This is important because the TeleopPeriodic method executes something like once every 10ms. * Thus, this if-else if pair make the button a toggle. */ if(driver_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER) && !inverting) { std::cout << "Inverting Drive Train."; left_drive.SetInverted(!left_drive.GetInverted()); right_drive.SetInverted(!right_drive.GetInverted()); inverting = true; } else if(!driver_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER)) { inverting = false; } if(operator_stick.GetRawButton(4)) { arms.Set(-operator_stick.GetY() * ARMS_SCALE); } else { arms.Set(0); } // This code will become obsolete after the Shooter logic is complete. float opThrottle = SaneThrottle(operator_stick.GetThrottle()); if(!pickupRunning && ( opThrottle > shooter_power + DEADZONE_RADIUS || opThrottle < shooter_power - DEADZONE_RADIUS)) { shooter.SetPower(opThrottle); } } void TestPeriodic() { const int driveTime = 5; //Drive for 5 seconds const float drivePower = 0.5, armPower=.35, rampPower=.4; //Arbitrary powers to test at static Timer t; enum test_stages { INIT, ARMS_UP, ARMS_DOWN, RAMP_UP, RAMP_DOWN, DRIVE_FORWARD, DRIVE_BACKWARD, TURN_CW, TURN_CCW, END}; static enum test_stages test_stage, old_test_stage; if (old_test_stage != test_stage) { //Reset timer between stages t.Stop(); t.Reset(); //Wait for a button press between stages if (operator_stick.GetRawButton(TRIGGER)) old_test_stage = test_stage; } else { if(!t.Get()) t.Start(); switch (test_stage) { case INIT: { break; } case ARMS_UP: { if (arms.GetForwardLimitOK()) arms.Set(1); else { arms.Set(0); test_stage = ARMS_DOWN; } break; } case ARMS_DOWN: { if (arms.GetReverseLimitOK()) arms.Set(-1); else { arms.Set(0); test_stage = RAMP_UP; } break; } case RAMP_UP: { if (arms.GetForwardLimitOK()) ramp.Set(1); else { ramp.Set(0); test_stage = RAMP_DOWN; } break; } case RAMP_DOWN: { if (arms.GetReverseLimitOK()) ramp.Set(-1); else { ramp.Set(0); test_stage = DRIVE_FORWARD; } break; } case DRIVE_FORWARD: { if (t.Get() < driveTime) drive.TankDrive(drivePower, drivePower); else { drive.TankDrive(0.0, 0.0); test_stage = DRIVE_BACKWARD; } break; } case DRIVE_BACKWARD: { if (t.Get() < driveTime) drive.TankDrive(-drivePower, -drivePower); else { drive.TankDrive(0.0, 0.0); test_stage = TURN_CW; } break; } case TURN_CW: { if (t.Get() < driveTime) drive.TankDrive(drivePower, -drivePower); else { drive.TankDrive(0.0, 0.0); test_stage = TURN_CCW; } break; } case TURN_CCW: { if (t.Get() < driveTime) drive.TankDrive(-drivePower, drivePower); else { drive.TankDrive(0.0, 0.0); test_stage = END; } break; } case END: { break; } } } LogCSVData(); } }; START_ROBOT_CLASS(Robot)