/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.                        */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

#ifndef __COMMAND_H__
#define __COMMAND_H__

#include "ErrorBase.h"
#include "SmartDashboard/NamedSendable.h"
#include "tables/ITableListener.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

class CommandGroup;
class Subsystem;

 * The Command class is at the very core of the entire command framework.
 * Every command can be started with a call to {@link Command#Start() Start()}.
 * Once a command is started it will call {@link Command#Initialize()
 * Initialize()}, and then
 * will repeatedly call {@link Command#Execute() Execute()} until the {@link
 *Command#IsFinished() IsFinished()}
 * returns true.  Once it does, {@link Command#End() End()} will be called.
 * <p>However, if at any point while it is running {@link Command#Cancel()
 * Cancel()} is called, then
 * the command will be stopped and {@link Command#Interrupted() Interrupted()}
 * will be called.</p>
 * <p>If a command uses a {@link Subsystem}, then it should specify that it does
 * so by
 * calling the {@link Command#Requires(Subsystem) Requires(...)} method
 * in its constructor. Note that a Command may have multiple requirements, and
 * {@link Command#Requires(Subsystem) Requires(...)} should be
 * called for each one.</p>
 * <p>If a command is running and a new command with shared requirements is
 * started,
 * then one of two things will happen.  If the active command is interruptible,
 * then {@link Command#Cancel() Cancel()} will be called and the command will be
 * removed
 * to make way for the new one.  If the active command is not interruptible, the
 * other one will not even be started, and the active one will continue
 * functioning.</p>
 * @see CommandGroup
 * @see Subsystem
class Command : public ErrorBase, public NamedSendable, public ITableListener {
  friend class CommandGroup;
  friend class Scheduler;

  Command(const std::string &name);
  Command(double timeout);
  Command(const std::string &name, double timeout);
  virtual ~Command();
  double TimeSinceInitialized() const;
  void Requires(Subsystem *s);
  bool IsCanceled() const;
  void Start();
  bool Run();
  void Cancel();
  bool IsRunning() const;
  bool IsInterruptible() const;
  void SetInterruptible(bool interruptible);
  bool DoesRequire(Subsystem *subsystem) const;
  typedef std::set<Subsystem *> SubsystemSet;
  SubsystemSet GetRequirements() const;
  CommandGroup *GetGroup() const;
  void SetRunWhenDisabled(bool run);
  bool WillRunWhenDisabled() const;
  int GetID() const;

  void SetTimeout(double timeout);
  bool IsTimedOut() const;
  bool AssertUnlocked(const std::string &message);
  void SetParent(CommandGroup *parent);
   * The initialize method is called the first time this Command is run after
   * being started.
  virtual void Initialize() = 0;
   * The execute method is called repeatedly until this Command either finishes
   * or is canceled.
  virtual void Execute() = 0;
   * Returns whether this command is finished.
   * If it is, then the command will be removed
   * and {@link Command#end() end()} will be called.
   * <p>It may be useful for a team to reference the {@link Command#isTimedOut()
   * isTimedOut()} method
   * for time-sensitive commands.</p>
   * @return whether this command is finished.
   * @see Command#isTimedOut() isTimedOut()
  virtual bool IsFinished() = 0;
   * Called when the command ended peacefully.  This is where you may want
   * to wrap up loose ends, like shutting off a motor that was being used
   * in the command.
  virtual void End() = 0;
   * Called when the command ends because somebody called {@link
   *Command#cancel() cancel()}
   * or another command shared the same requirements as this one, and booted
   * it out.
   * <p>This is where you may want
   * to wrap up loose ends, like shutting off a motor that was being used
   * in the command.</p>
   * <p>Generally, it is useful to simply call the {@link Command#end() end()}
   * method
   * within this method</p>
  virtual void Interrupted() = 0;
  virtual void _Initialize();
  virtual void _Interrupted();
  virtual void _Execute();
  virtual void _End();
  virtual void _Cancel();

  void LockChanges();
  /*synchronized*/ void Removed();
  void StartRunning();
  void StartTiming();

  /** The name of this command */
  std::string m_name;

  /** The time since this command was initialized */
  double m_startTime = -1;

  /** The time (in seconds) before this command "times out" (or -1 if no
   * timeout) */
  double m_timeout;

  /** Whether or not this command has been initialized */
  bool m_initialized = false;

  /** The requirements (or null if no requirements) */
  SubsystemSet m_requirements;

  /** Whether or not it is running */
  bool m_running = false;

  /** Whether or not it is interruptible*/
  bool m_interruptible = true;

  /** Whether or not it has been canceled */
  bool m_canceled = false;

  /** Whether or not it has been locked */
  bool m_locked = false;

  /** Whether this command should run when the robot is disabled */
  bool m_runWhenDisabled = false;

  /** The {@link CommandGroup} this is in */
  CommandGroup *m_parent = nullptr;

  int m_commandID = m_commandCounter++;
  static int m_commandCounter;

  virtual std::string GetName() const;
  virtual void InitTable(std::shared_ptr<ITable> table);
  virtual std::shared_ptr<ITable> GetTable() const;
  virtual std::string GetSmartDashboardType() const;
  virtual void ValueChanged(ITable* source, llvm::StringRef key,
                            std::shared_ptr<nt::Value> value, bool isNew);

  std::shared_ptr<ITable> m_table;
