/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #include "interfaces/Accelerometer.h" #include "I2C.h" #include "LiveWindow/LiveWindowSendable.h" #include /** * ADXL345 Accelerometer on I2C. * * This class allows access to a Analog Devices ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer on * an I2C bus. * This class assumes the default (not alternate) sensor address of 0x1D (7-bit * address). */ class ADXL345_I2C : public Accelerometer, public I2C, public LiveWindowSendable { protected: static const uint8_t kAddress = 0x1D; static const uint8_t kPowerCtlRegister = 0x2D; static const uint8_t kDataFormatRegister = 0x31; static const uint8_t kDataRegister = 0x32; static constexpr double kGsPerLSB = 0.00390625; enum PowerCtlFields { kPowerCtl_Link = 0x20, kPowerCtl_AutoSleep = 0x10, kPowerCtl_Measure = 0x08, kPowerCtl_Sleep = 0x04 }; enum DataFormatFields { kDataFormat_SelfTest = 0x80, kDataFormat_SPI = 0x40, kDataFormat_IntInvert = 0x20, kDataFormat_FullRes = 0x08, kDataFormat_Justify = 0x04 }; public: enum Axes { kAxis_X = 0x00, kAxis_Y = 0x02, kAxis_Z = 0x04 }; struct AllAxes { double XAxis; double YAxis; double ZAxis; }; public: explicit ADXL345_I2C(Port port, Range range = kRange_2G, int deviceAddress = kAddress); virtual ~ADXL345_I2C() = default; ADXL345_I2C(const ADXL345_I2C&) = delete; ADXL345_I2C& operator=(const ADXL345_I2C&) = delete; // Accelerometer interface virtual void SetRange(Range range) override; virtual double GetX() override; virtual double GetY() override; virtual double GetZ() override; virtual double GetAcceleration(Axes axis); virtual AllAxes GetAccelerations(); virtual std::string GetSmartDashboardType() const override; virtual void InitTable(std::shared_ptr subtable) override; virtual void UpdateTable() override; virtual std::shared_ptr GetTable() const override; virtual void StartLiveWindowMode() override {} virtual void StopLiveWindowMode() override {} private: std::shared_ptr m_table; };