/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2014-2016. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once /* Error Codes */ #define ERR_VISION_GENERAL_ERROR 166000 // #define ERR_COLOR_NOT_FOUND 166100 // TrackAPI.cpp #define ERR_PARTICLE_TOO_SMALL 166101 // TrackAPI.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_FAILURE 166200 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED 166201 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_CONNECT_FAILED 166202 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_STALE_IMAGE 166203 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_NOT_INITIALIZED 166204 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE 166205 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_HEADER_ERROR 166206 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT 166207 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED 166208 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_TASK_SPAWN_FAILED 166209 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_TASK_INPUT_OUT_OF_RANGE 166210 // AxisCamera.cpp #define ERR_CAMERA_COMMAND_FAILURE 166211 // AxisCamera.cpp /* error handling functions */ int GetLastVisionError(); const char* GetVisionErrorText(int errorCode);