/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2014-2016. All Rights Reserved.                        */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

#pragma once

 * Interface for 3-axis accelerometers
class Accelerometer {
  virtual ~Accelerometer() = default;

  enum Range { kRange_2G = 0, kRange_4G = 1, kRange_8G = 2, kRange_16G = 3 };

   * Common interface for setting the measuring range of an accelerometer.
   * @param range The maximum acceleration, positive or negative, that the
   * accelerometer will measure.  Not all accelerometers support all ranges.
  virtual void SetRange(Range range) = 0;

   * Common interface for getting the x axis acceleration
   * @return The acceleration along the x axis in g-forces
  virtual double GetX() = 0;

   * Common interface for getting the y axis acceleration
   * @return The acceleration along the y axis in g-forces
  virtual double GetY() = 0;

   * Common interface for getting the z axis acceleration
   * @return The acceleration along the z axis in g-forces
  virtual double GetZ() = 0;