/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #include "ErrorBase.h" #include "HAL/HAL.hpp" /** * Driver for the RS-232 serial port on the RoboRIO. * * The current implementation uses the VISA formatted I/O mode. This means that * all traffic goes through the fomatted buffers. This allows the * intermingled * use of Printf(), Scanf(), and the raw buffer accessors Read() and Write(). * * More information can be found in the NI-VISA User Manual here: * http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370423a.pdf * and the NI-VISA Programmer's Reference Manual here: * http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370132c.pdf */ class SerialPort : public ErrorBase { public: enum Parity { kParity_None = 0, kParity_Odd = 1, kParity_Even = 2, kParity_Mark = 3, kParity_Space = 4 }; enum StopBits { kStopBits_One = 10, kStopBits_OnePointFive = 15, kStopBits_Two = 20 }; enum FlowControl { kFlowControl_None = 0, kFlowControl_XonXoff = 1, kFlowControl_RtsCts = 2, kFlowControl_DtrDsr = 4 }; enum WriteBufferMode { kFlushOnAccess = 1, kFlushWhenFull = 2 }; enum Port { kOnboard = 0, kMXP = 1, kUSB = 2 }; SerialPort(uint32_t baudRate, Port port = kOnboard, uint8_t dataBits = 8, Parity parity = kParity_None, StopBits stopBits = kStopBits_One); ~SerialPort(); SerialPort(const SerialPort&) = delete; SerialPort& operator=(const SerialPort&) = delete; void SetFlowControl(FlowControl flowControl); void EnableTermination(char terminator = '\n'); void DisableTermination(); int32_t GetBytesReceived(); uint32_t Read(char *buffer, int32_t count); uint32_t Write(const std::string &buffer, int32_t count); void SetTimeout(float timeout); void SetReadBufferSize(uint32_t size); void SetWriteBufferSize(uint32_t size); void SetWriteBufferMode(WriteBufferMode mode); void Flush(); void Reset(); private: uint32_t m_resourceManagerHandle = 0; uint32_t m_portHandle = 0; bool m_consoleModeEnabled = false; uint8_t m_port; };