/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2014-2016. All Rights Reserved.                        */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

#pragma once

#include "ErrorBase.h"
#include "nivision.h"
#include "NIIMAQdx.h"
#include "HAL/cpp/priority_mutex.h"

#include <string>

typedef enum whiteBalance_enum {
  kFixedIndoor = 3000,
  kFixedOutdoor1 = 4000,
  kFixedOutdoor2 = 5000,
  kFixedFluorescent1 = 5100,
  kFixedFlourescent2 = 5200
} whiteBalance;

class USBCamera : public ErrorBase {
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_WB_MODE =
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_WB_VALUE =
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_EX_MODE =
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_EX_VALUE =
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_BR_MODE =
  static constexpr char const *ATTR_BR_VALUE =

  // Constants for the manual and auto types
  static constexpr char const* AUTO = "Auto";
  static constexpr char const* MANUAL = "Manual";

  IMAQdxSession m_id = 0;
  std::string m_name;
  bool m_useJpeg;
  bool m_active = false;
  bool m_open = false;

  priority_recursive_mutex m_mutex;

  unsigned int m_width = 320;
  unsigned int m_height = 240;
  double m_fps = 30;
  std::string m_whiteBalance = AUTO;
  unsigned int m_whiteBalanceValue = 0;
  bool m_whiteBalanceValuePresent = false;
  std::string m_exposure = MANUAL;
  unsigned int m_exposureValue = 50;
  bool m_exposureValuePresent = false;
  unsigned int m_brightness = 80;
  bool m_needSettingsUpdate = true;

  unsigned int GetJpegSize(void *buffer, unsigned int buffSize);

  static constexpr char const *kDefaultCameraName = "cam0";

  USBCamera(std::string name, bool useJpeg);

  void OpenCamera();
  void CloseCamera();
  void StartCapture();
  void StopCapture();
  void SetFPS(double fps);
  void SetSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);

  void UpdateSettings();
   * Set the brightness, as a percentage (0-100).
  void SetBrightness(unsigned int brightness);

   * Get the brightness, as a percentage (0-100).
  unsigned int GetBrightness();

   * Set the white balance to auto
  void SetWhiteBalanceAuto();

   * Set the white balance to hold current
  void SetWhiteBalanceHoldCurrent();

   * Set the white balance to manual, with specified color temperature
  void SetWhiteBalanceManual(unsigned int wbValue);

   * Set the exposure to auto exposure
  void SetExposureAuto();

   * Set the exposure to hold current
  void SetExposureHoldCurrent();

   * Set the exposure to manual, with a given percentage (0-100)
  void SetExposureManual(unsigned int expValue);

  void GetImage(Image *image);
  unsigned int GetImageData(void *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize);