/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2014-2016. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #include "SafePWM.h" #include "CANSpeedController.h" #include "PIDOutput.h" #include "PIDSource.h" #include "PIDInterface.h" #include "HAL/CanTalonSRX.h" #include "MotorSafetyHelper.h" #include "LiveWindow/LiveWindowSendable.h" #include "tables/ITable.h" #include <memory> /** * CTRE Talon SRX Speed Controller with CAN Control */ class CANTalon : public MotorSafety, public CANSpeedController, public ErrorBase, public LiveWindowSendable, public ITableListener, public PIDSource, public PIDInterface { public: enum FeedbackDevice { QuadEncoder = 0, AnalogPot = 2, AnalogEncoder = 3, EncRising = 4, EncFalling = 5, CtreMagEncoder_Relative = 6, //!< Cross The Road Electronics Magnetic Encoder in Absolute/PulseWidth Mode CtreMagEncoder_Absolute = 7, //!< Cross The Road Electronics Magnetic Encoder in Relative/Quadrature Mode PulseWidth = 8, }; /** * Depending on the sensor type, Talon can determine if sensor is plugged in ot not. */ enum FeedbackDeviceStatus { FeedbackStatusUnknown = 0, //!< Sensor status could not be determined. Not all sensors can do this. FeedbackStatusPresent = 1, //!< Sensor is present and working okay. FeedbackStatusNotPresent = 2, //!< Sensor is not present, not plugged in, not powered, etc... }; enum StatusFrameRate { StatusFrameRateGeneral = 0, StatusFrameRateFeedback = 1, StatusFrameRateQuadEncoder = 2, StatusFrameRateAnalogTempVbat = 3, StatusFrameRatePulseWidthMeas = 4, }; /** * Enumerated types for Motion Control Set Values. * When in Motion Profile control mode, these constants are paseed * into set() to manipulate the motion profile executer. * When changing modes, be sure to read the value back using getMotionProfileStatus() * to ensure changes in output take effect before performing buffering actions. * Disable will signal Talon to put motor output into neutral drive. * Talon will stop processing motion profile points. This means the buffer is * effectively disconnected from the executer, allowing the robot to gracefully * clear and push new traj points. isUnderrun will get cleared. * The active trajectory is also cleared. * Enable will signal Talon to pop a trajectory point from it's buffer and process it. * If the active trajectory is empty, Talon will shift in the next point. * If the active traj is empty, and so is the buffer, the motor drive is neutral and * isUnderrun is set. When active traj times out, and buffer has at least one point, * Talon shifts in next one, and isUnderrun is cleared. When active traj times out, * and buffer is empty, Talon keeps processing active traj and sets IsUnderrun. * Hold will signal Talon keep processing the active trajectory indefinitely. * If the active traj is cleared, Talon will neutral motor drive. Otherwise * Talon will keep processing the active traj but it will not shift in * points from the buffer. This means the buffer is effectively disconnected * from the executer, allowing the robot to gracefully clear and push * new traj points. * isUnderrun is set if active traj is empty, otherwise it is cleared. * isLast signal is also cleared. * * Typical workflow: * set(Disable), * Confirm Disable takes effect, * clear buffer and push buffer points, * set(Enable) when enough points have been pushed to ensure no underruns, * wait for MP to finish or decide abort, * If MP finished gracefully set(Hold) to hold position servo and disconnect buffer, * If MP is being aborted set(Disable) to neutral the motor and disconnect buffer, * Confirm mode takes effect, * clear buffer and push buffer points, and rinse-repeat. */ enum SetValueMotionProfile { SetValueMotionProfileDisable = 0, SetValueMotionProfileEnable = 1, SetValueMotionProfileHold = 2, }; /** * Motion Profile Trajectory Point * This is simply a data transer object. */ struct TrajectoryPoint { double position; //!< The position to servo to. double velocity; //!< The velocity to feed-forward. /** * Time in milliseconds to process this point. * Value should be between 1ms and 255ms. If value is zero * then Talon will default to 1ms. If value exceeds 255ms API will cap it. */ unsigned int timeDurMs; /** * Which slot to get PIDF gains. * PID is used for position servo. * F is used as the Kv constant for velocity feed-forward. * Typically this is hardcoded to the a particular slot, but you are free * gain schedule if need be. */ unsigned int profileSlotSelect; /** * Set to true to only perform the velocity feed-forward and not perform * position servo. This is useful when learning how the position servo * changes the motor response. The same could be accomplish by clearing the * PID gains, however this is synchronous the streaming, and doesn't require restoing * gains when finished. * * Additionaly setting this basically gives you direct control of the motor output * since motor output = targetVelocity X Kv, where Kv is our Fgain. * This means you can also scheduling straight-throttle curves without relying on * a sensor. */ bool velocityOnly; /** * Set to true to signal Talon that this is the final point, so do not * attempt to pop another trajectory point from out of the Talon buffer. * Instead continue processing this way point. Typically the velocity * member variable should be zero so that the motor doesn't spin indefinitely. */ bool isLastPoint; /** * Set to true to signal Talon to zero the selected sensor. * When generating MPs, one simple method is to make the first target position zero, * and the final target position the target distance from the current position. * Then when you fire the MP, the current position gets set to zero. * If this is the intent, you can set zeroPos on the first trajectory point. * * Otherwise you can leave this false for all points, and offset the positions * of all trajectory points so they are correct. */ bool zeroPos; }; /** * Motion Profile Status * This is simply a data transer object. */ struct MotionProfileStatus { /** * The available empty slots in the trajectory buffer. * * The robot API holds a "top buffer" of trajectory points, so your applicaion * can dump several points at once. The API will then stream them into the Talon's * low-level buffer, allowing the Talon to act on them. */ unsigned int topBufferRem; /** * The number of points in the top trajectory buffer. */ unsigned int topBufferCnt; /** * The number of points in the low level Talon buffer. */ unsigned int btmBufferCnt; /** * Set if isUnderrun ever gets set. * Only is cleared by clearMotionProfileHasUnderrun() to ensure * robot logic can react or instrument it. * @see clearMotionProfileHasUnderrun() */ bool hasUnderrun; /** * This is set if Talon needs to shift a point from its buffer into * the active trajectory point however the buffer is empty. This gets cleared * automatically when is resolved. */ bool isUnderrun; /** * True if the active trajectory point has not empty, false otherwise. * The members in activePoint are only valid if this signal is set. */ bool activePointValid; /** * The number of points in the low level Talon buffer. */ TrajectoryPoint activePoint; /** * The current output mode of the motion profile executer (disabled, enabled, or hold). * When changing the set() value in MP mode, it's important to check this signal to * confirm the change takes effect before interacting with the top buffer. */ SetValueMotionProfile outputEnable; }; explicit CANTalon(int deviceNumber); explicit CANTalon(int deviceNumber, int controlPeriodMs); DEFAULT_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR(CANTalon); virtual ~CANTalon(); // PIDOutput interface virtual void PIDWrite(float output) override; // PIDSource interface virtual double PIDGet() override; // MotorSafety interface virtual void SetExpiration(float timeout) override; virtual float GetExpiration() const override; virtual bool IsAlive() const override; virtual void StopMotor() override; virtual void SetSafetyEnabled(bool enabled) override; virtual bool IsSafetyEnabled() const override; virtual void GetDescription(std::ostringstream& desc) const override; // CANSpeedController interface virtual float Get() const override; virtual void Set(float value, uint8_t syncGroup = 0) override; virtual void Reset() override; virtual void SetSetpoint(float value) override; virtual void Disable() override; virtual void EnableControl(); virtual void Enable() override; virtual void SetP(double p) override; virtual void SetI(double i) override; virtual void SetD(double d) override; void SetF(double f); void SetIzone(unsigned iz); virtual void SetPID(double p, double i, double d) override; virtual void SetPID(double p, double i, double d, double f); virtual double GetP() const override; virtual double GetI() const override; virtual double GetD() const override; virtual double GetF() const; virtual bool IsModePID(CANSpeedController::ControlMode mode) const override; virtual float GetBusVoltage() const override; virtual float GetOutputVoltage() const override; virtual float GetOutputCurrent() const override; virtual float GetTemperature() const override; void SetPosition(double pos); virtual double GetPosition() const override; virtual double GetSpeed() const override; virtual int GetClosedLoopError() const; virtual void SetAllowableClosedLoopErr(uint32_t allowableCloseLoopError); virtual int GetAnalogIn() const; virtual void SetAnalogPosition(int newPosition); virtual int GetAnalogInRaw() const; virtual int GetAnalogInVel() const; virtual int GetEncPosition() const; virtual void SetEncPosition(int); virtual int GetEncVel() const; int GetPinStateQuadA() const; int GetPinStateQuadB() const; int GetPinStateQuadIdx() const; int IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed() const; int IsRevLimitSwitchClosed() const; int GetNumberOfQuadIdxRises() const; void SetNumberOfQuadIdxRises(int rises); virtual int GetPulseWidthPosition() const; virtual void SetPulseWidthPosition(int newpos); virtual int GetPulseWidthVelocity() const; virtual int GetPulseWidthRiseToFallUs() const; virtual int GetPulseWidthRiseToRiseUs() const; virtual FeedbackDeviceStatus IsSensorPresent(FeedbackDevice feedbackDevice)const; virtual bool GetForwardLimitOK() const override; virtual bool GetReverseLimitOK() const override; virtual uint16_t GetFaults() const override; uint16_t GetStickyFaults() const; void ClearStickyFaults(); virtual void SetVoltageRampRate(double rampRate) override; virtual void SetVoltageCompensationRampRate(double rampRate); virtual uint32_t GetFirmwareVersion() const override; virtual void ConfigNeutralMode(NeutralMode mode) override; virtual void ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev(uint16_t codesPerRev) override; virtual void ConfigPotentiometerTurns(uint16_t turns) override; virtual void ConfigSoftPositionLimits(double forwardLimitPosition, double reverseLimitPosition) override; virtual void DisableSoftPositionLimits() override; virtual void ConfigLimitMode(LimitMode mode) override; virtual void ConfigForwardLimit(double forwardLimitPosition) override; virtual void ConfigReverseLimit(double reverseLimitPosition) override; /** * Change the fwd limit switch setting to normally open or closed. * Talon will disable momentarilly if the Talon's current setting * is dissimilar to the caller's requested setting. * * Since Talon saves setting to flash this should only affect * a given Talon initially during robot install. * * @param normallyOpen true for normally open. false for normally closed. */ void ConfigFwdLimitSwitchNormallyOpen(bool normallyOpen); /** * Change the rev limit switch setting to normally open or closed. * Talon will disable momentarilly if the Talon's current setting * is dissimilar to the caller's requested setting. * * Since Talon saves setting to flash this should only affect * a given Talon initially during robot install. * * @param normallyOpen true for normally open. false for normally closed. */ void ConfigRevLimitSwitchNormallyOpen(bool normallyOpen); virtual void ConfigMaxOutputVoltage(double voltage) override; void ConfigPeakOutputVoltage(double forwardVoltage,double reverseVoltage); void ConfigNominalOutputVoltage(double forwardVoltage,double reverseVoltage); /** * Enables Talon SRX to automatically zero the Sensor Position whenever an * edge is detected on the index signal. * @param enable boolean input, pass true to enable feature or false to disable. * @param risingEdge boolean input, pass true to clear the position on rising edge, * pass false to clear the position on falling edge. */ void EnableZeroSensorPositionOnIndex(bool enable, bool risingEdge); void ConfigSetParameter(uint32_t paramEnum, double value); bool GetParameter(uint32_t paramEnum, double & dvalue) const; virtual void ConfigFaultTime(float faultTime) override; virtual void SetControlMode(ControlMode mode); void SetFeedbackDevice(FeedbackDevice device); void SetStatusFrameRateMs(StatusFrameRate stateFrame, int periodMs); virtual ControlMode GetControlMode() const; void SetSensorDirection(bool reverseSensor); void SetClosedLoopOutputDirection(bool reverseOutput); void SetCloseLoopRampRate(double rampRate); void SelectProfileSlot(int slotIdx); int GetIzone() const; int GetIaccum() const; void ClearIaccum(); int GetBrakeEnableDuringNeutral() const; bool IsControlEnabled() const; bool IsEnabled() const override; double GetSetpoint() const override; /** * Calling application can opt to speed up the handshaking between the robot API and the Talon to increase the * download rate of the Talon's Motion Profile. Ideally the period should be no more than half the period * of a trajectory point. */ void ChangeMotionControlFramePeriod(int periodMs); /** * Clear the buffered motion profile in both Talon RAM (bottom), and in the API (top). * Be sure to check GetMotionProfileStatus() to know when the buffer is actually cleared. */ void ClearMotionProfileTrajectories(); /** * Retrieve just the buffer count for the api-level (top) buffer. * This routine performs no CAN or data structure lookups, so its fast and ideal * if caller needs to quickly poll the progress of trajectory points being emptied * into Talon's RAM. Otherwise just use GetMotionProfileStatus. * @return number of trajectory points in the top buffer. */ int GetMotionProfileTopLevelBufferCount(); /** * Push another trajectory point into the top level buffer (which is emptied into * the Talon's bottom buffer as room allows). * @param trajPt the trajectory point to insert into buffer. * @return true if trajectory point push ok. CTR_BufferFull if buffer is full * due to kMotionProfileTopBufferCapacity. */ bool PushMotionProfileTrajectory(const TrajectoryPoint & trajPt); /** * @return true if api-level (top) buffer is full. */ bool IsMotionProfileTopLevelBufferFull(); /** * This must be called periodically to funnel the trajectory points from the API's top level buffer to * the Talon's bottom level buffer. Recommendation is to call this twice as fast as the executation rate of the motion profile. * So if MP is running with 20ms trajectory points, try calling this routine every 10ms. All motion profile functions are thread-safe * through the use of a mutex, so there is no harm in having the caller utilize threading. */ void ProcessMotionProfileBuffer(); /** * Retrieve all status information. * Since this all comes from one CAN frame, its ideal to have one routine to retrieve the frame once and decode everything. * @param [out] motionProfileStatus contains all progress information on the currently running MP. */ void GetMotionProfileStatus(MotionProfileStatus & motionProfileStatus); /** * Clear the hasUnderrun flag in Talon's Motion Profile Executer when MPE is ready for another point, * but the low level buffer is empty. * * Once the Motion Profile Executer sets the hasUnderrun flag, it stays set until * Robot Application clears it with this routine, which ensures Robot Application * gets a chance to instrument or react. Caller could also check the isUnderrun flag * which automatically clears when fault condition is removed. */ void ClearMotionProfileHasUnderrun(); // LiveWindow stuff. void ValueChanged(ITable* source, llvm::StringRef key, std::shared_ptr<nt::Value> value, bool isNew) override; void UpdateTable() override; void StartLiveWindowMode() override; void StopLiveWindowMode() override; std::string GetSmartDashboardType() const override; void InitTable(std::shared_ptr<ITable> subTable) override; std::shared_ptr<ITable> GetTable() const override; // SpeedController overrides virtual void SetInverted(bool isInverted) override; virtual bool GetInverted() const override; private: // Values for various modes as is sent in the CAN packets for the Talon. enum TalonControlMode { kThrottle = 0, kFollowerMode = 5, kVoltageMode = 4, kPositionMode = 1, kSpeedMode = 2, kCurrentMode = 3, kMotionProfileMode = 6, kDisabled = 15 }; int m_deviceNumber; std::unique_ptr<CanTalonSRX> m_impl; std::unique_ptr<MotorSafetyHelper> m_safetyHelper; int m_profile = 0; // Profile from CANTalon to use. Set to zero until we can // actually test this. bool m_controlEnabled = true; ControlMode m_controlMode = kPercentVbus; TalonControlMode m_sendMode; double m_setPoint = 0; /** * Encoder CPR, counts per rotations, also called codes per revoluion. * Default value of zero means the API behaves as it did during the 2015 season, each position * unit is a single pulse and there are four pulses per count (4X). * Caller can use ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev to set the quadrature encoder CPR. */ uint32_t m_codesPerRev = 0; /** * Number of turns per rotation. For example, a 10-turn pot spins ten full rotations from * a wiper voltage of zero to 3.3 volts. Therefore knowing the * number of turns a full voltage sweep represents is necessary for calculating rotations * and velocity. * A default value of zero means the API behaves as it did during the 2015 season, there are 1024 * position units from zero to 3.3V. */ uint32_t m_numPotTurns = 0; /** * Although the Talon handles feedback selection, caching the feedback selection is helpful at the API level * for scaling into rotations and RPM. */ FeedbackDevice m_feedbackDevice = QuadEncoder; static const unsigned int kDelayForSolicitedSignalsUs = 4000; /** * @param devToLookup FeedbackDevice to lookup the scalar for. Because Talon * allows multiple sensors to be attached simultaneously, caller must * specify which sensor to lookup. * @return The number of native Talon units per rotation of the selected sensor. * Zero if the necessary sensor information is not available. * @see ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev * @see ConfigPotentiometerTurns */ double GetNativeUnitsPerRotationScalar(FeedbackDevice devToLookup)const; /** * Fixup the sendMode so Set() serializes the correct demand value. * Also fills the modeSelecet in the control frame to disabled. * @param mode Control mode to ultimately enter once user calls Set(). * @see Set() */ void ApplyControlMode(CANSpeedController::ControlMode mode); /** * @param fullRotations double precision value representing number of rotations of selected feedback sensor. * If user has never called the config routine for the selected sensor, then the caller * is likely passing rotations in engineering units already, in which case it is returned * as is. * @see ConfigPotentiometerTurns * @see ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev * @return fullRotations in native engineering units of the Talon SRX firmware. */ int32_t ScaleRotationsToNativeUnits(FeedbackDevice devToLookup, double fullRotations) const; /** * @param rpm double precision value representing number of rotations per minute of selected feedback sensor. * If user has never called the config routine for the selected sensor, then the caller * is likely passing rotations in engineering units already, in which case it is returned * as is. * @see ConfigPotentiometerTurns * @see ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev * @return sensor velocity in native engineering units of the Talon SRX firmware. */ int32_t ScaleVelocityToNativeUnits(FeedbackDevice devToLookup, double rpm) const; /** * @param nativePos integral position of the feedback sensor in native Talon SRX units. * If user has never called the config routine for the selected sensor, then the return * will be in TALON SRX units as well to match the behavior in the 2015 season. * @see ConfigPotentiometerTurns * @see ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev * @return double precision number of rotations, unless config was never performed. */ double ScaleNativeUnitsToRotations(FeedbackDevice devToLookup, int32_t nativePos) const; /** * @param nativeVel integral velocity of the feedback sensor in native Talon SRX units. * If user has never called the config routine for the selected sensor, then the return * will be in TALON SRX units as well to match the behavior in the 2015 season. * @see ConfigPotentiometerTurns * @see ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev * @return double precision of sensor velocity in RPM, unless config was never performed. */ double ScaleNativeUnitsToRpm(FeedbackDevice devToLookup, int32_t nativeVel) const; // LiveWindow stuff. std::shared_ptr<ITable> m_table; bool m_isInverted; HasBeenMoved m_hasBeenMoved; };