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2016-01-28 11:33:19 -05:00
/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#pragma once
#include "Base.h"
#include "Controller.h"
#include "LiveWindow/LiveWindow.h"
#include "PIDInterface.h"
#include "PIDSource.h"
#include "Notifier.h"
#include "HAL/cpp/priority_mutex.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <queue>
class PIDOutput;
* Class implements a PID Control Loop.
* Creates a separate thread which reads the given PIDSource and takes
* care of the integral calculations, as well as writing the given
* PIDOutput
class PIDController : public LiveWindowSendable,
public PIDInterface,
public ITableListener {
PIDController(float p, float i, float d, PIDSource *source, PIDOutput *output,
float period = 0.05);
PIDController(float p, float i, float d, float f, PIDSource *source,
PIDOutput *output, float period = 0.05);
virtual ~PIDController();
PIDController(const PIDController&) = delete;
PIDController& operator=(const PIDController) = delete;
virtual float Get() const;
virtual void SetContinuous(bool continuous = true);
virtual void SetInputRange(float minimumInput, float maximumInput);
virtual void SetOutputRange(float minimumOutput, float maximumOutput);
virtual void SetPID(double p, double i, double d) override;
virtual void SetPID(double p, double i, double d, double f);
virtual double GetP() const override;
virtual double GetI() const override;
virtual double GetD() const override;
virtual double GetF() const;
virtual void SetSetpoint(float setpoint) override;
virtual double GetSetpoint() const override;
double GetDeltaSetpoint() const;
virtual float GetError() const;
virtual float GetAvgError() const;
virtual void SetPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType pidSource);
virtual PIDSourceType GetPIDSourceType() const;
virtual void SetTolerance(float percent);
virtual void SetAbsoluteTolerance(float absValue);
virtual void SetPercentTolerance(float percentValue);
virtual void SetToleranceBuffer(unsigned buf = 1);
virtual bool OnTarget() const;
virtual void Enable() override;
virtual void Disable() override;
virtual bool IsEnabled() const override;
virtual void Reset() override;
virtual void InitTable(std::shared_ptr<ITable> table) override;
PIDSource *m_pidInput;
PIDOutput *m_pidOutput;
std::shared_ptr<ITable> m_table;
virtual void Calculate();
virtual double CalculateFeedForward();
float m_P; // factor for "proportional" control
float m_I; // factor for "integral" control
float m_D; // factor for "derivative" control
float m_F; // factor for "feed forward" control
float m_maximumOutput = 1.0; // |maximum output|
float m_minimumOutput = -1.0; // |minimum output|
float m_maximumInput = 0; // maximum input - limit setpoint to this
float m_minimumInput = 0; // minimum input - limit setpoint to this
bool m_continuous = false; // do the endpoints wrap around? eg. Absolute encoder
bool m_enabled = false; // is the pid controller enabled
float m_prevError = 0; // the prior error (used to compute velocity)
double m_totalError = 0; // the sum of the errors for use in the integral calc
enum {
} m_toleranceType = kNoTolerance;
// the percetage or absolute error that is considered on target.
float m_tolerance = 0.05;
float m_setpoint = 0;
float m_prevSetpoint = 0;
float m_error = 0;
float m_result = 0;
float m_period;
// Length of buffer for averaging for tolerances.
std::atomic<unsigned> m_bufLength{1};
std::queue<double> m_buf;
double m_bufTotal = 0;
mutable priority_recursive_mutex m_mutex;
std::unique_ptr<Notifier> m_controlLoop;
Timer m_setpointTimer;
void Initialize(float p, float i, float d, float f, PIDSource *source,
PIDOutput *output, float period = 0.05);
virtual std::shared_ptr<ITable> GetTable() const override;
virtual std::string GetSmartDashboardType() const override;
virtual void ValueChanged(ITable *source, llvm::StringRef key,
std::shared_ptr<nt::Value> value,
bool isNew) override;
virtual void UpdateTable() override;
virtual void StartLiveWindowMode() override;
virtual void StopLiveWindowMode() override;