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/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#pragma once
#include "SensorBase.h"
#include "RobotState.h"
#include "Task.h"
#include "HAL/HAL.hpp"
#include "HAL/cpp/Semaphore.hpp"
#include "HAL/cpp/priority_mutex.h"
#include "HAL/cpp/priority_condition_variable.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
struct HALControlWord;
class AnalogInput;
* Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver
* Station.
class DriverStation : public SensorBase, public RobotStateInterface {
enum Alliance { kRed, kBlue, kInvalid };
virtual ~DriverStation();
static DriverStation &GetInstance();
static void ReportError(std::string error);
static const uint32_t kJoystickPorts = 6;
float GetStickAxis(uint32_t stick, uint32_t axis);
int GetStickPOV(uint32_t stick, uint32_t pov);
uint32_t GetStickButtons(uint32_t stick) const;
bool GetStickButton(uint32_t stick, uint8_t button);
int GetStickAxisCount(uint32_t stick) const;
int GetStickPOVCount(uint32_t stick) const;
int GetStickButtonCount(uint32_t stick) const;
bool GetJoystickIsXbox(uint32_t stick) const;
int GetJoystickType(uint32_t stick) const;
std::string GetJoystickName(uint32_t stick) const;
int GetJoystickAxisType(uint32_t stick, uint8_t axis) const;
bool IsEnabled() const override;
bool IsDisabled() const override;
bool IsAutonomous() const override;
bool IsOperatorControl() const override;
bool IsTest() const override;
bool IsDSAttached() const;
bool IsNewControlData() const;
bool IsFMSAttached() const;
bool IsSysActive() const;
bool IsSysBrownedOut() const;
Alliance GetAlliance() const;
uint32_t GetLocation() const;
void WaitForData();
double GetMatchTime() const;
float GetBatteryVoltage() const;
/** Only to be used to tell the Driver Station what code you claim to be
* executing
* for diagnostic purposes only
* @param entering If true, starting disabled code; if false, leaving disabled
* code */
void InDisabled(bool entering) { m_userInDisabled = entering; }
/** Only to be used to tell the Driver Station what code you claim to be
* executing
* for diagnostic purposes only
* @param entering If true, starting autonomous code; if false, leaving
* autonomous code */
void InAutonomous(bool entering) { m_userInAutonomous = entering; }
/** Only to be used to tell the Driver Station what code you claim to be
* executing
* for diagnostic purposes only
* @param entering If true, starting teleop code; if false, leaving teleop
* code */
void InOperatorControl(bool entering) { m_userInTeleop = entering; }
/** Only to be used to tell the Driver Station what code you claim to be
* executing
* for diagnostic purposes only
* @param entering If true, starting test code; if false, leaving test code */
void InTest(bool entering) { m_userInTest = entering; }
void GetData();
static DriverStation *m_instance;
void ReportJoystickUnpluggedError(std::string message);
void Run();
HALJoystickAxes m_joystickAxes[kJoystickPorts];
HALJoystickPOVs m_joystickPOVs[kJoystickPorts];
HALJoystickButtons m_joystickButtons[kJoystickPorts];
HALJoystickDescriptor m_joystickDescriptor[kJoystickPorts];
Task m_task;
std::atomic<bool> m_isRunning{false};
mutable Semaphore m_newControlData{Semaphore::kEmpty};
mutable priority_condition_variable m_packetDataAvailableCond;
priority_mutex m_packetDataAvailableMutex;
std::condition_variable_any m_waitForDataCond;
priority_mutex m_waitForDataMutex;
bool m_userInDisabled = false;
bool m_userInAutonomous = false;
bool m_userInTeleop = false;
bool m_userInTest = false;
double m_nextMessageTime = 0;