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2016-01-28 11:33:19 -05:00
/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2015. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#ifndef NTCORE_C_H_
#define NTCORE_C_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Default network tables port number */
#define NT_DEFAULT_PORT 1735
/** NetworkTables data types. */
enum NT_Type {
NT_BOOLEAN = 0x01,
NT_DOUBLE = 0x02,
NT_STRING = 0x04,
NT_RAW = 0x08,
NT_RPC = 0x80
/** NetworkTables entry flags. */
enum NT_EntryFlags {
/** NetworkTables logging levels. */
enum NT_LogLevel {
/** NetworkTables notififier kinds. */
enum NT_NotifyKind {
NT_NOTIFY_IMMEDIATE = 0x01, /* initial listener addition */
NT_NOTIFY_LOCAL = 0x02, /* changed locally */
NT_NOTIFY_NEW = 0x04, /* newly created entry */
NT_NOTIFY_DELETE = 0x08, /* deleted */
NT_NOTIFY_UPDATE = 0x10, /* value changed */
NT_NOTIFY_FLAGS = 0x20 /* flags changed */
* Structures
/** A NetworkTables string. */
struct NT_String {
/** String contents (UTF-8).
* The string is NOT required to be zero-terminated.
* When returned by the library, this is zero-terminated and allocated with
* malloc().
char *str;
/** Length of the string in bytes. If the string happens to be zero
* terminated, this does not include the zero-termination.
size_t len;
/** NetworkTables Entry Value. Note this is a typed union. */
struct NT_Value {
enum NT_Type type;
unsigned long long last_change;
union {
int v_boolean;
double v_double;
struct NT_String v_string;
struct NT_String v_raw;
struct {
int *arr;
size_t size;
} arr_boolean;
struct {
double *arr;
size_t size;
} arr_double;
struct {
struct NT_String *arr;
size_t size;
} arr_string;
} data;
/** NetworkTables Entry Information */
struct NT_EntryInfo {
/** Entry name */
struct NT_String name;
/** Entry type */
enum NT_Type type;
/** Entry flags */
unsigned int flags;
/** Timestamp of last change to entry (type or value). */
unsigned long long last_change;
/** NetworkTables Connection Information */
struct NT_ConnectionInfo {
struct NT_String remote_id;
char *remote_name;
unsigned int remote_port;
unsigned long long last_update;
unsigned int protocol_version;
/** NetworkTables RPC Parameter Definition */
struct NT_RpcParamDef {
struct NT_String name;
struct NT_Value def_value;
/** NetworkTables RPC Result Definition */
struct NT_RpcResultDef {
struct NT_String name;
enum NT_Type type;
/** NetworkTables RPC Definition */
struct NT_RpcDefinition {
unsigned int version;
struct NT_String name;
size_t num_params;
NT_RpcParamDef *params;
size_t num_results;
NT_RpcResultDef *results;
/** NetworkTables RPC Call Data */
struct NT_RpcCallInfo {
unsigned int rpc_id;
unsigned int call_uid;
struct NT_String name;
struct NT_String params;
* Table Functions
/** Get Entry Value.
* Returns copy of current entry value.
* Note that one of the type options is "unassigned".
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param value storage for returned entry value
* It is the caller's responsibility to free value once it's no longer
* needed (the utility function NT_DisposeValue() is useful for this
* purpose).
void NT_GetEntryValue(const char *name, size_t name_len,
struct NT_Value *value);
/** Set Entry Value.
* Sets new entry value. If type of new value differs from the type of the
* currently stored entry, returns error and does not update value.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param value new entry value
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryValue(const char *name, size_t name_len,
const struct NT_Value *value);
/** Set Entry Type and Value.
* Sets new entry value. If type of new value differs from the type of the
* currently stored entry, the currently stored entry type is overridden
* (generally this will generate an Entry Assignment message).
* This is NOT the preferred method to update a value; generally
* NT_SetEntryValue() should be used instead, with appropriate error handling.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param value new entry value
void NT_SetEntryTypeValue(const char *name, size_t name_len,
const struct NT_Value *value);
/** Set Entry Flags.
void NT_SetEntryFlags(const char *name, size_t name_len, unsigned int flags);
/** Get Entry Flags.
unsigned int NT_GetEntryFlags(const char *name, size_t name_len);
/** Delete Entry.
* Deletes an entry. This is a new feature in version 3.0 of the protocol,
* so this may not have an effect if any other node in the network is not
* version 3.0 or newer.
* Note: NT_GetConnections() can be used to determine the protocol version
* of direct remote connection(s), but this is not sufficient to determine
* if all nodes in the network are version 3.0 or newer.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
void NT_DeleteEntry(const char *name, size_t name_len);
/** Delete All Entries.
* Deletes ALL table entries. This is a new feature in version 3.0 of the
* so this may not have an effect if any other node in the network is not
* version 3.0 or newer.
* Note: NT_GetConnections() can be used to determine the protocol version
* of direct remote connection(s), but this is not sufficient to determine
* if all nodes in the network are version 3.0 or newer.
void NT_DeleteAllEntries(void);
/** Get Entry Information.
* Returns an array of entry information (name, entry type,
* and timestamp of last change to type/value). The results are optionally
* filtered by string prefix and entry type to only return a subset of all
* entries.
* @param prefix entry name required prefix; only entries whose name
* starts with this string are returned
* @param prefix_len length of prefix in bytes
* @param types bitmask of NT_Type values; 0 is treated specially
* as a "don't care"
* @param count output parameter; set to length of returned array
* @return Array of entry information.
struct NT_EntryInfo *NT_GetEntryInfo(const char *prefix, size_t prefix_len,
unsigned int types, size_t *count);
/** Flush Entries.
* Forces an immediate flush of all local entry changes to network.
* Normally this is done on a regularly scheduled interval (see
* NT_SetUpdateRate()).
* Note: flushes are rate limited to avoid excessive network traffic. If
* the time between calls is too short, the flush will occur after the minimum
* time elapses (rather than immediately).
void NT_Flush(void);
* Callback Creation Functions
void NT_SetListenerOnStart(void (*on_start)(void *data), void *data);
void NT_SetListenerOnExit(void (*on_exit)(void *data), void *data);
typedef void (*NT_EntryListenerCallback)(
unsigned int uid, void *data, const char *name, size_t name_len,
const struct NT_Value *value, unsigned int flags);
typedef void (*NT_ConnectionListenerCallback)(
unsigned int uid, void *data, int connected,
const struct NT_ConnectionInfo *conn);
unsigned int NT_AddEntryListener(const char *prefix, size_t prefix_len,
void *data, NT_EntryListenerCallback callback,
unsigned int flags);
void NT_RemoveEntryListener(unsigned int entry_listener_uid);
unsigned int NT_AddConnectionListener(void *data,
NT_ConnectionListenerCallback callback,
int immediate_notify);
void NT_RemoveConnectionListener(unsigned int conn_listener_uid);
int NT_NotifierDestroyed();
* Remote Procedure Call Functions
void NT_SetRpcServerOnStart(void (*on_start)(void *data), void *data);
void NT_SetRpcServerOnExit(void (*on_exit)(void *data), void *data);
typedef char *(*NT_RpcCallback)(void *data, const char *name, size_t name_len,
const char *params, size_t params_len,
size_t *results_len);
void NT_CreateRpc(const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *def,
size_t def_len, void *data, NT_RpcCallback callback);
void NT_CreatePolledRpc(const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *def,
size_t def_len);
int NT_PollRpc(int blocking, struct NT_RpcCallInfo* call_info);
void NT_PostRpcResponse(unsigned int rpc_id, unsigned int call_uid,
const char *result, size_t result_len);
unsigned int NT_CallRpc(const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *params,
size_t params_len);
char *NT_GetRpcResult(int blocking, unsigned int call_uid, size_t *result_len);
char *NT_PackRpcDefinition(const struct NT_RpcDefinition *def,
size_t *packed_len);
int NT_UnpackRpcDefinition(const char *packed, size_t packed_len,
struct NT_RpcDefinition *def);
char *NT_PackRpcValues(const struct NT_Value **values, size_t values_len,
size_t *packed_len);
struct NT_Value **NT_UnpackRpcValues(const char *packed, size_t packed_len,
const NT_Type *types, size_t types_len);
* Client/Server Functions
void NT_SetNetworkIdentity(const char *name, size_t name_len);
/** Start Server
* Starts a server using the specified filename, listening address, and port.
* @param persist_filename the name of the persist file to use (UTF-8 string,
* null terminated)
* @param listen_address the address to listen on, or null to listen on any
* address. (UTF-8 string, null terminated)
* @param port port to communicate over.
void NT_StartServer(const char *persist_filename, const char *listen_address,
unsigned int port);
/** Stop Server
* Stops the server if it is running.
void NT_StopServer(void);
/** Starts Client
* Starts a client using the specified server and port
* @param server_name server name (UTF-8 string, null terminated)
* @param port port to communicate over
void NT_StartClient(const char *server_name, unsigned int port);
/** Stop Client
* Stops the client if it is running.
void NT_StopClient(void);
/** Stop Rpc Server
* Stops the Rpc server if it is running.
void NT_StopRpcServer(void);
/** Stop Notifier
* Stops the Notifier (Entry and Connection Listener) thread if it is running.
void NT_StopNotifier(void);
/** Set Update Rate
* Sets the update rate of the table
* @param interval the interval to update the table at (in seconds)
void NT_SetUpdateRate(double interval);
/** Get Connections
* Gets an array of all the connections in the table.
* @param count returns the number of elements in the array
* @return an array containing all the connections.
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array. The
* NT_DisposeConnectionInfoArray function is useful for this purpose.
struct NT_ConnectionInfo *NT_GetConnections(size_t *count);
* Persistent Functions
/* return error string, or NULL if successful */
const char *NT_SavePersistent(const char *filename);
const char *NT_LoadPersistent(const char *filename,
void (*warn)(size_t line, const char *msg));
* Utility Functions
/* frees value memory */
void NT_DisposeValue(struct NT_Value *value);
/* sets type to unassigned and clears rest of struct */
void NT_InitValue(struct NT_Value *value);
/* frees string memory */
void NT_DisposeString(struct NT_String *str);
/* sets length to zero and pointer to null */
void NT_InitString(struct NT_String *str);
/* Gets the type for the specified key, or unassigned if non existent. */
enum NT_Type NT_GetType(const char *name, size_t name_len);
/** Dispose Connection Info Array
* Disposes a connection info array
* @param arr pointer to the array to dispose
* @param count number of elements in the array
void NT_DisposeConnectionInfoArray(struct NT_ConnectionInfo *arr, size_t count);
/** Dispose Entry Info Array
* Disposes an entry info array
* @param arr pointer to the array to dispose
* @param count number of elements in the array
void NT_DisposeEntryInfoArray(struct NT_EntryInfo *arr, size_t count);
/** Dispose Rpc Definition
* Disposes a Rpc Definition structure
* @param def pointer to the struct to dispose
void NT_DisposeRpcDefinition(struct NT_RpcDefinition *def);
/** Dispose Rpc Call Info
* Disposes a Rpc Call Info structure
* @param def pointer to the struct to dispose
void NT_DisposeRpcCallInfo(struct NT_RpcCallInfo *call_info);
/* timestamp */
unsigned long long NT_Now(void);
/* logging */
typedef void (*NT_LogFunc)(unsigned int level, const char *file,
unsigned int line, const char *msg);
void NT_SetLogger(NT_LogFunc func, unsigned int min_level);
* Interop Utility Functions
/* Memory Allocators */
/** Allocate Character Array
* Allocates an array of chars.
* Note that the size is the number of elements, and not the
* specific number of bytes to allocate. That is calculated internally.
* @param size the number of elements the array will contain
* @return the allocated char array
* After use, the array should be freed using the NT_FreeCharArray()
* function.
char *NT_AllocateCharArray(size_t size);
/** Allocate Boolean Array
* Allocates an array of booleans.
* Note that the size is the number of elements, and not the
* specific number of bytes to allocate. That is calculated internally.
* @param size the number of elements the array will contain
* @return the allocated boolean array
* After use, the array should be freed using the NT_FreeBooleanArray()
* function.
int *NT_AllocateBooleanArray(size_t size);
/** Allocate Double Array
* Allocates an array of doubles.
* Note that the size is the number of elements, and not the
* specific number of bytes to allocate. That is calculated internally.
* @param size the number of elements the array will contain
* @return the allocated double array
* After use, the array should be freed using the NT_FreeDoubleArray()
* function.
double *NT_AllocateDoubleArray(size_t size);
/** Allocate NT_String Array
* Allocates an array of NT_Strings.
* Note that the size is the number of elements, and not the
* specific number of bytes to allocate. That is calculated internally.
* @param size the number of elements the array will contain
* @return the allocated NT_String array
* After use, the array should be freed using the NT_FreeStringArray()
* function.
struct NT_String *NT_AllocateStringArray(size_t size);
/** Free Char Array
* Frees an array of chars.
* @param v_boolean pointer to the char array to free
void NT_FreeCharArray(char *v_char);
/** Free Double Array
* Frees an array of doubles.
* @param v_boolean pointer to the double array to free
void NT_FreeDoubleArray(double *v_double);
/** Free Boolean Array
* Frees an array of booleans.
* @param v_boolean pointer to the boolean array to free
void NT_FreeBooleanArray(int *v_boolean);
/** Free String Array
* Frees an array of NT_Strings.
* @param v_string pointer to the string array to free
* @param arr_size size of the string array to free
* Note that the individual NT_Strings in the array should NOT be
* freed before calling this. This function will free all the strings
* individually.
void NT_FreeStringArray(struct NT_String *v_string, size_t arr_size);
/** Get Value Type
* Returns the type of an NT_Value struct.
* Note that one of the type options is "unassigned".
* @param value The NT_Value struct to get the type from.
* @return The type of the value, or unassigned if null.
enum NT_Type NT_GetValueType(const struct NT_Value *value);
/** Get Value Boolean
* Returns the boolean from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns 0.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the boolean from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param v_boolean returns the boolean assigned to the name
* @return 1 if successful, or 0 if value is null or not a boolean
int NT_GetValueBoolean(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change, int *v_boolean);
/** Get Value Double
* Returns the double from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns 0.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the double from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param v_double returns the boolean assigned to the name
* @return 1 if successful, or 0 if value is null or not a double
int NT_GetValueDouble(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change, double *v_double);
/** Get Value String
* Returns a copy of the string from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns 0.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the string from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param str_len returns the length of the string
* @return pointer to the string (UTF-8), or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the string once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeCharArray() function is useful for this purpose. The
* returned string is a copy of the string in the value, and must be freed
* separately.
char *NT_GetValueString(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *str_len);
/** Get Value Raw
* Returns a copy of the raw value from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns null.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the string from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param raw_len returns the length of the string
* @return pointer to the raw value (UTF-8), or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the raw value once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeCharArray() function is useful for this purpose. The
* returned string is a copy of the string in the value, and must be freed
* separately.
char *NT_GetValueRaw(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *raw_len);
/** Get Value Boolean Array
* Returns a copy of the boolean array from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns null.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the boolean array from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the boolean array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeBooleanArray() function is useful for this purpose.
* The returned array is a copy of the array in the value, and must be
* freed separately.
int *NT_GetValueBooleanArray(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *arr_size);
/** Get Value Double Array
* Returns a copy of the double array from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns null.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the double array from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the double array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeDoubleArray() function is useful for this purpose.
* The returned array is a copy of the array in the value, and must be
* freed separately.
double *NT_GetValueDoubleArray(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change,
size_t *arr_size);
/** Get Value String Array
* Returns a copy of the NT_String array from the NT_Value.
* If the NT_Value is null, or is assigned to a different type, returns null.
* @param value NT_Value struct to get the NT_String array from
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the NT_String array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeStringArray() function is useful for this purpose.
* The returned array is a copy of the array in the value, and must be
* freed seperately. Note that the individual NT_Strings should not be freed,
* but the entire array should be freed at once. The NT_FreeStringArray()
* function will free all the NT_Strings.
NT_String *NT_GetValueStringArray(const struct NT_Value *value,
unsigned long long *last_change,
size_t *arr_size);
/** Get Entry Boolean
* Returns the boolean currently assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns 0.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param v_boolean returns the boolean assigned to the name
* @return 1 if successful, or 0 if value is unassigned or not a
* boolean
int NT_GetEntryBoolean(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change, int *v_boolean);
/** Get Entry Double
* Returns the double currently assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns 0.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param v_double returns the double assigned to the name
* @return 1 if successful, or 0 if value is unassigned or not a
* double
int NT_GetEntryDouble(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change, double *v_double);
/** Get Entry String
* Returns a copy of the string assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns null.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param str_len returns the length of the string
* @return pointer to the string (UTF-8), or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the string once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeCharArray() function is useful for this purpose.
char *NT_GetEntryString(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *str_len);
/** Get Entry Raw
* Returns a copy of the raw value assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns null.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param raw_len returns the length of the string
* @return pointer to the raw value (UTF-8), or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the raw value once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeCharArray() function is useful for this purpose.
char *NT_GetEntryRaw(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *raw_len);
/** Get Entry Boolean Array
* Returns a copy of the boolean array assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns null.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the boolean array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeBooleanArray() function is useful for this purpose.
int *NT_GetEntryBooleanArray(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change, size_t *arr_size);
/** Get Entry Double Array
* Returns a copy of the double array assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns null.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the double array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeDoubleArray() function is useful for this purpose.
double *NT_GetEntryDoubleArray(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change,
size_t *arr_size);
/** Get Entry String Array
* Returns a copy of the NT_String array assigned to the entry name.
* If the entry name is not currently assigned, or is assigned to a
* different type, returns null.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param last_change returns time in ms since the last change in the value
* @param arr_size returns the number of elements in the array
* @return pointer to the NT_String array, or null if error
* It is the caller's responsibility to free the array once its no longer
* needed. The NT_FreeStringArray() function is useful for this purpose. Note
* that the individual NT_Strings should not be freed, but the entire array
* should be freed at once. The NT_FreeStringArray() function will free all the
* NT_Strings.
NT_String *NT_GetEntryStringArray(const char *name, size_t name_len,
unsigned long long *last_change,
size_t *arr_size);
/* Entry Value Setters */
/** Set Entry Boolean
* Sets an entry boolean. If the entry name is not currently assigned to a
* boolean, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param v_boolean boolean value to set
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryBoolean(const char *name, size_t name_len, int v_boolean,
int force);
/** Set Entry Double
* Sets an entry double. If the entry name is not currently assigned to a
* double, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param v_double double value to set
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryDouble(const char *name, size_t name_len, double v_double,
int force);
/** Set Entry String
* Sets an entry string. If the entry name is not currently assigned to a
* string, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param str string to set (UTF-8 string)
* @param str_len length of string to write in bytes
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryString(const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *str,
size_t str_len, int force);
/** Set Entry Raw
* Sets the raw value of an entry. If the entry name is not currently assigned
* to a raw value, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param raw raw string to set (UTF-8 string)
* @param raw_len length of raw string to write in bytes
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryRaw(const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *raw,
size_t raw_len, int force);
/** Set Entry Boolean Array
* Sets an entry boolean array. If the entry name is not currently assigned to
* a boolean array, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param arr boolean array to write
* @param size number of elements in the array
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryBooleanArray(const char *name, size_t name_len, const int *arr,
size_t size, int force);
/** Set Entry Double Array
* Sets an entry double array. If the entry name is not currently assigned to
* a double array, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param arr double array to write
* @param size number of elements in the array
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryDoubleArray(const char *name, size_t name_len, const double *arr,
size_t size, int force);
/** Set Entry String Array
* Sets an entry string array. If the entry name is not currently assigned to
* a string array, returns error unless the force parameter is set.
* @param name entry name (UTF-8 string)
* @param name_len length of name in bytes
* @param arr NT_String array to write
* @param size number of elements in the array
* @param force 1 to force the entry to get overwritten, otherwise 0
* @return 0 on error (type mismatch), 1 on success
int NT_SetEntryStringArray(const char *name, size_t name_len,
const struct NT_String *arr, size_t size, int force);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* NTCORE_C_H_ */